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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Everyone that owns a Wii go buy The Conduit!

So this is the "game of the day you have to buy to get more hardcore games on Wii". In a line with Zack & Wiki, Okami, Boom Blox and deBlob. Quarterly thread déjà-vu... the only twist here is that the OP don't own a Wii.

I still wonder why so many people sound desperate regarding the Wii even though the console is a bestseller and even though most Wii owners repeatedly claim in numerous threads that there are so many great games already available... Not enough to make everyone content, it seems.

I'm fine with the games available on and coming to Wii (and even more with the DS offerings), I don't like Shooters and I decide which 3rd party game I will buy (Sam & Max Season One for example). Actually I bought GC, Wii and DS for Zelda games in the first place, all other good 1st/2nd party and the few good 3rd party games on Wii are just a welcome add-on.

If someone still thinks there are not enough "hardcore" games on Wii (which actually means: not enough good games for their personal taste), they should additionally buy a PS3 and/or a 360 or just the PC games of the beloved genre and live happy ever after.

By the way: This thread comes too soon, someone please remember to revive it one day after The Conduit's release and add a mildly enthusiastic phrase like "OMFG, THE CONDUIT IS OUT AND IT'S SOOO F*****G GREAAAT! EVERY WII OWNER OWES IT TO THEMSELVES TO BUY IT NAO!"

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Well I'm most likely not buying it...and I own a wii and love FPS games.

There is no way it will be better than Farcry 2, Project Origin, Left4Dead, COD5..etc.

However if it does turn out to be an amazingly reviewed game...

I've already planned to get it on release day. =D

No thanks. Doesn't look fun at all. I dislike FPS, the only one I am considering buying is Halo since it's kinda colorful.

I'm pretty sure it is coming out the 15th of March 2009.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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it is out already?

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@saviorx, my bad. But anyways go buy the game. BUY OR DIE *screaming and running towards a cliff*


no its not out. But the minute they say you can preorder it, PRE-ORDER IT!


That's the plan, I will be buying it ASAP

Buy or Die should be like a new motto or something.

"Hardcore" gamers: "Buy or Die"

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."