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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which is the best console to buy gh:wt for?

wii, ps3, pc, or 360

I feelin the wii version since now dey got downloadable content and there's a 16 gb sd chip and a wiimote numbchuck combo freestyle so yea. The wii version has all the modes of its bigger brother so I feel its the better version

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You didn't really explain why the Wii version is better. You just mentioned why it's not worse.



Well, the Wii is the cheaper version with all the same features as the other... So it pretty much looks like this one is a wash. It all should come down on which systems you own.

Im gonna say Wii due to the cheaper price point... But most likely all games will be equal otherwise.

F@ck Ubisoft and their commitment to Wii shovelware.

Isn't the PS3's midi feature more full fledged than the others?

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
exnoctem said:
Well, the Wii is the cheaper version with all the same features as the other... So it pretty much looks like this one is a wash. It all should come down on which systems you own.

Im gonna say Wii due to the cheaper price point... But most likely all games will be equal otherwise.

All the same features? What about trophies/achievements? Does it have online up to par with the HD consoles? As for price, I'm not sure what you're referring to. It could be the Band Kit, Guitar Kit, standalone game, etc. If you're talking about just buying the game in disc form, it's 10 dollars cheaper, and millions of people have shown that cost matters very little when it comes to music based games.




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probably the 360 version and ps3 version of the games are the best since u can download tonnes of content on their hard drives unless u have an arcade, the 360 version has achivments which makes the guitar hero more addictive, and makes u do a lot harder challenges like through fire on the flames on expert if u can, if i had the wii version with no achivements i would be less inclined to try and beat that song, not to mention hd display makes it clearer to see so the ps3 and 360 versions are the best and the 360 might just pip it due to achivments since the ps3 version wont have trophies at launch

The Wii version has Mii Freestyle mode, which according to previews is pretty fun. You just kinda 'jam' with some buddies. It's like Wii Music, except you don't have to hate it to maintain your hardcore self-image.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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360 version. Anyone who says otherwise is a fanboy seriously. Achivements + Most Online players(in game chat) + Frequent updates + (prediction:Who knows maybe exclusive songs(DLC) just like Rockband 2(timed exclusive)) = WIN!!!


Edit: Also if u want to save money choose the 360 version as it uses have the amount of power the PS3(environment killer) does so u save money, save the environment, get the better version all in one= 360.


I'd say the Xbox 360 version.

I'm not sure if they integrate the Wii mote in with World Tour like they did with Legend of Rock, but it felt really flimsy (as opposed to the 360 and PS3 versions) and the graphics, while not a big issue for a game like GH (almost a non-issue) is still always nice to have.

I didn't go with the PS3 version because (I could be wrong, haven't checked) I'm pretty sure DLC on the PS3 can only be bought via credit card, and being a student without one, I can't buy things off of PSN (in particular CoD4 map pack).

I wish they made Points cards like the Wii and 360.

I just googled and apparently they do, but not in Australia, which is a bit of a problem.

SO yeah, either 360 or PS3 versions.

jasonnc80 said:
Isn't the PS3's midi feature more full fledged than the others?

