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Forums - General Discussion - Israel might attack Iran this month...

Since the OP didn't post any article, here is a related one published today:

"Warning signs of an Israeli strike on Iran"

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Typical of Israel if they do. And people think we owe something to Israel. We owe nothing to them. They can handle themselves and they get themselves in deep with the sharks anyways.

Hah they wouldn't do it to bolster the realtions... but there is a shot they'd do it before the elections just to commit Obama into support since Bush would start it.

There are some rumors from local chicagoians that Obama is a lot more pro palestine then he lets on around elections.

I think he said something like "nobody suffers more then the Pallestinians" or something?

akuma587 said:
So remind me, who turned us into the Middle East police force? I must have missed that meeting...

Someone before Carter when it came to Israel.  Standing US policy for as long as i've lived has been "Protect Israel from invasion at all costs."


Zucas said:
Typical of Israel if they do. And people think we owe something to Israel. We owe nothing to them. They can handle themselves and they get themselves in deep with the sharks anyways.

Yeah... cause you'd want someone who wants you dead to devlop nukes.


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Jackson50 said:
Aiemond said:
halogamer1989 said:

to bolster McCain to the presidency in a time of crisis. Israeli Oct surprise, anyone? What say you on this?


I would say if it was found out that Isreal did this to get McCain into office impeachment hearings would be immediate.

If Israel does this, and I cannot believe I am even entertaining this notion, we cannot impeach McCain because of their actions. You could impeach him if there was evidence of collusion, but that is an improbable scenario begat from another improbable scenario.


The OP suggested that they would do this to aid the McCain campaign, that is what I am talking about. that would be collusion.

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NJ5 said:
akuma587 said:
So remind me, who turned us into the Middle East police force? I must have missed that meeting...

Gotta keep the oil flowing, you know? No matter how many people tell me otherwise, I still think the US went to Iraq for oil. They are second only to Saudi Arabia in terms of oil reserve size.

Even Bill O'Reilly has changed his tune and said the Iraq War is an oil war.


Aiemond said:

The OP suggested that they would do this to aid the McCain campaign, that is what I am talking about. that would be collusion.

It would only be collusion if this was an agreement with the McCain campaign. If Israel acted on its own with no involvement from the McCain campaign, that would not be collusion. 


Kasz216 said:
Zucas said:
Typical of Israel if they do. And people think we owe something to Israel. We owe nothing to them. They can handle themselves and they get themselves in deep with the sharks anyways.

Yeah... cause you'd want someone who wants you dead to devlop nukes.



Haha ignorance isn't cute anymore guys.  If Israel is going to be involved with anything nuclear they will be the first to drop it.  I don't blame most of the Middle Eastern countries for wanting them gone or trying to get nukes of their own.  Cause Israel is not afraid to use it on them at will.

whatever said:
It almost sounds like you are hoping for this. If that is the case, then you are one sad individual.

No not sad.  Just realistic. With Olmert out of the way Livni will be forced by the IDF to go ahead with defensive measures.  Iran will have a nuke by late 2009 at the earliest.  By no means am I wanting war, but you have to understand the Israelis--they will kill two birds with one stone.