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Forums - Sony Discussion - FF: Dissidia EVERY character avatars (that includes Cloud & Terra!)

Soriku said:
Oh, and Ultimecia is the most annoying final boss EVER. I died so many times from her :(

I liked the battle, I didn't die, but I felt it was challenging enough to not be a breeze. Of course, I had already beaten Ultima Weapon and refined all the GF cards, so I had Eden+A lot of Heros+A lot of Holy Wars. The thing that was a bit annoying was the final dungeon, where you have to traverse all the castle to regain the abilities. I swear if I hadn't activated first the GFs and turned on Enc-None inmediately I'd still be cursing that dungeon


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Sephiroth357 said:

I'm Sephiorth, I'm only suited for such an avatar.

Yung, well not so suited...

Maybe your right...

Ugh... these are hideous. Who drew this crap?

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Soriku said:
GooseGaws said:
Ugh... these are hideous. Who drew this crap?


*Looks at your sig*

"Hates Nomura."

I don't think you wanna know.

Really?  Heh.  Should've guessed, I suppose.  I didn't realize he was involved with this game.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

*sigh*... I wish the Nomura era of FF would conclude already. Playing FFIV (yet again, now DS-style) serves to further remind me of how much better things used to be...

Also, seeing his "take" on the Amano characters is pretty disgusting.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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