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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why dont you like Castlevannia Judgement? Please give me 1 good reason

Valkyria00 said:

This game has been getting alot of shit and I think its not because its a bad game but mainly because people simply just want to hate it.

Castlevannia fans make no sense. All they want are 2D games. Even with the recent announcement of Castlvannia for PS3/360 they still arent excited because it most likely wont be 2D

Back on topic the game DOES NOT look ugly. People say the graphics are shit which is a fucking ridiculous statement. Those graphics while not amazing look good.The gameplay also looks good. Though this is just personal opinion to everyone. The video uploaded onto this site however does not do the game justice because whoever the hell was playing the game sucked.

The main resons people hate this game

  • Its not 2D
  • Its graphics are "bad"
  • Its a fighter = close minded<----People automatically wrote this off because of it NO SENSE.
  • Different character design.<--Im not a fan of the artists work but its not terrible. Original design still look fruity=P

Im not really trying to change any minds but Id just like people to give me some valid reasons as to why they dont like the game. Especially since the majority of people have never played it and never will.

Well let's see. There's no way people can be justified to be extremely weary to have Castlavania go into 3D...again. It's not like we've given them four other chances to bring the series into 3D, or five if you count the never released Castlevania Resurrection for Dreamcast. Nobody came to this pessimism lightly. I remember back in the N64 days, people were DYING for Castlevania to go into 3D. We were excited and got screwed over when they real Castlevania was in 2D and we had two shitty experiences on the N64 that was in direct comparison to crap like Nightmare Creatures. Next we move onto the PS2 and we watch as the real Castlevania's, the ones with effort put in show up on the GBA and the DS. We get more second rate 3D nonsense from Konami. It doesn't help that they also can't quite get Contra to work in 3D either.

That's my only reason. I don't care about the rest of the excuses.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Around the Network
Khuutra said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Sherlock99 said:
i think the only reason why Castlevannia is getting so much hate is because it's a wii game.

No, Konami is getting blasted by Wii boys. They get an exclusive game on the Wii from Konami (a legendary developer), and people are not even thankful. They should stop developing for the Wii if that's all they'll get from people watching/playing their ''new'' Wii games this generation. >_>



Are you being sarcastic?

Why should I? Isn't Castlevania Judgement ''hardcore'' enough for us, which seems to be the best reason everyone can come up with if the game isn't going to be good enough? Just look at the comments in this news post:

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

SHMUPGurus said:
Sherlock99 said:
i think the only reason why Castlevannia is getting so much hate is because it's a wii game.

No, Konami is getting blasted by Wii boys. They get an exclusive game on the Wii from Konami (a legendary developer), and people are not even thankful. They should stop developing for the Wii if that's all they'll get from people watching/playing their ''new'' Wii games this generation. >_>


Dont say that. I mean the by Wii fanboys on this site maybe but thats only a small percentage. Anyways Im greatful for the game and gladly except any 3rd party game. Especially Konami. Heres hoping we get a Hideo Kojima game! ZoE 3!


SHMUPGurus said:
Khuutra said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Sherlock99 said:
i think the only reason why Castlevannia is getting so much hate is because it's a wii game.

No, Konami is getting blasted by Wii boys. They get an exclusive game on the Wii from Konami (a legendary developer), and people are not even thankful. They should stop developing for the Wii if that's all they'll get from people watching/playing their ''new'' Wii games this generation. >_>



Are you being sarcastic?

Why should I? Isn't Castlevania Judgement ''hardcore'' enough for us, which seems to be the best reason everyone can come up with if the game isn't going to be good enough? Just look at the comments in this news post:


It has nothing to do with being hardcore or not, it has to do with the gamej ust not looking that good. Again.

Konami makes some good games, yes, but we aren't required to ever be "thankful" for them throwing their table scraps at us. No sir. We are not that much in need, whether they are "legendary" or not.

Khuutra said:
I'll tell you why I'm writing it off:

Because it's not really a Castlevania game, I will not judge it on those merits. Judge a game for what it is, not for what it isn't, says I.

So the question is: what is this game?

It looks like a watered down version of Power Stone with wonky controls, unfortunate camera angles, and random enemies dropped into the fight for no reason other than to exacerbate the problem of the bad camera angles.

Like I said, I'm going to rent the game. Maybe it will prove me wrong! But I'm not betting money on it.

Its a Castlevannia game. The creator of the series made this game. It counts as one in the series. It spin-off or whatever youd like to call it but it IS a castlevannia game.

At least youre willing to rent it thogh


Around the Network
Valkyria00 said:
Khuutra said:
I'll tell you why I'm writing it off:

Because it's not really a Castlevania game, I will not judge it on those merits. Judge a game for what it is, not for what it isn't, says I.

So the question is: what is this game?

It looks like a watered down version of Power Stone with wonky controls, unfortunate camera angles, and random enemies dropped into the fight for no reason other than to exacerbate the problem of the bad camera angles.

Like I said, I'm going to rent the game. Maybe it will prove me wrong! But I'm not betting money on it.

Its a Castlevannia game. The creator of the series made this game. It counts as one in the series. It spin-off or whatever youd like to call it but it IS a castlevannia game.

At least youre willing to rent it thogh



It's no more a Castlevania game than Final Fantasy XII is Vagrant Story. It shares the name, a few characters, and the setting - nothing more. There is mroe to what makes a game than continuity and lead designers. This isn't a Castlevania game - Castlevania games are primarily action platformers with horror elements and an aesthetic derived primarily from European traditions.

But there, even ignoring that, you have your reason. Topic over now, I assume.

Khuutra said:

It has nothing to do with being hardcore or not, it has to do with the gamej ust not looking that good. Again.

Konami makes some good games, yes, but we aren't required to ever be "thankful" for them throwing their table scraps at us. No sir. We are not that much in need, whether they are "legendary" or not.

Meh, you (and Rol) got me. I'm just a sucker for anything Konami, I must admit. ;)

I just hope everyone is at least going to try the game before giving a decent opinion on it.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

The 3D PS2 Castlevanias would have been a lot of better if it wasn't for the cut and paste technique used when making the level designs. Any series can have a good 3D game if it has enough work put into it. Most of the 3D Sonic, Mega Man, or Castlevania games weren't so good because they were rushed out to release. Hopefully the new PS3/360 Castlevania will finally have a 3D breakthrough the series has been looking for nearly a decade. Even IGA thought the 3D Castlevanias weren't so good and that includes the ones he worked on. IGA seems determined to make a breakthrough with 3D and we will not give up no matter what happens. I can understand why fans are weary but can't we all have atleast some hope.

Oh man, it has motion controls? In a fighting game?

That just makes things worse unless the team in question is literally top-notch.

RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:

It has nothing to do with being hardcore or not, it has to do with the gamej ust not looking that good. Again.

Konami makes some good games, yes, but we aren't required to ever be "thankful" for them throwing their table scraps at us. No sir. We are not that much in need, whether they are "legendary" or not.

I agree with this.

The game is also mostly controlled with motions which require a really talented team to make that work well. It will probably be difficult to play Castlevania Judgement in a controlled manner and the fast moving and at times confusing camera won't help there.

Well, it can't be as hard to control as playing a Tales game with the Manual control settings set on. Sometimes, my slashes are not even in the direction of the enemy, but that's because I suck at controlling my character...! @_@


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!