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Forums - General Discussion - How many here will cry if McCain wins?

I believe it was Alice Cooper who said, "I never cry."



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I would cry just to think of the horrible four years ahead. The cure for cancer may be simultaneously found as Chuck Norris would cry for the first time in history.

I probably would... I cried when Bush beat Kerry last time around.. but I don't think I'll have to worry about it with Obama up 7.6 points in the polls and looking to get 353 electoral votes. That's a lot of votes for McCain to make up in 3 weeks... In fact, I will probably get a bottle of Bolinger tomorrow to celebrate Obama's victory.


halogamer1989 said:
dtewi said:
But according to recent polling that is highly unlikely, of the remaining swing states, McCain needs to win all 8 (or is it 9?) to become President. And polls also show that some swing states are leaning towards Obama.

They are statistically tied though in some even though the MSM says leaning.  Look for the sample size of likely voters (LV).



And which states would that be? Missouri, NC and Indiana? Those would be about it.


The National polls are not statistically tied though. Rasmussen has a +2 error. You can't win the EC with that large of a difference. Also, I would be sad. I would not have been nearly as sad (barely so) if McCain was still how he used to be and had a decent vp. I miss the open, have the media in the bus with him and chat, be able to stand up to the party McCain.


Edit: And i'm working on MO. Phone lines are fun :)

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because bush is going to impose a nationhood and we are all getting conscripted. The election is not going to happen

Crying is for over 60% of the population.

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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Not me, no matter who wins, I can say:

"wow, that crook made it all the way to the white house? At least he is better then the last crook".


But if he wins and then dies I will fucking bawl my eyes out and adopt the brace position until the end of the world.

Nah, it's much better to laugh.

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