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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 bangs another million seller.

Good for LucasArts.

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mrstickball said:
Grey Acumen said:
Actually, Force unleashed will be a great way to see how legs compare for games. how long do people think it will be before Wii sales catch up with 360 sales?

The better question is that if/when the Wii sales catch up on a per-week basis, will the fight even be relevant? The X360 version has a 430,000 unit lead worldwide, and added another 37,000 onto it's lead vs. the Wii. If the Wii starts winning, how many months is going to take before it could regain the lead?

Having said that, the X360 version has shed 76% of it's first week gross compared to 64% of the Wii. That's not impressive for either - especially given the Wii's monumenally higher install base.

I'd say that the Wii version will trump the X360 version in 2 weeks by a small margin. But again, the better question is if it's going to matter....Kind of like the Madden race.


I think what people don't seem to understand is that Wii legs aren't necessarily great in the first few weeks but they stay consistent so thtat in the next 10 weeks they are good.  However we can't ever underestimate Wii in the holiday season.  I mean last year Wii software sales increased 10 fold which is amazing.  Some games saw increases that were just awesome to say the least.  What holiday season can do for some titles is give them more brand appeal causing sales afterwards to be good as well.  Carnival Games trends are a testatment to this.  So I have no idea if TFU will follow that kinda of trend but I do know alwasy look out for Wii games during the holiday season because this is when almost every Wii game gets the absolute boosts... more so than any other platform and especially in America.  All that mainstream appeal pays off in the mainstream time of the year: holiday season.


And it's not platinum yet but will get it so congrats.  Lucasarts made a good game so glad to see this happen.


Zucas -

You have to understand though, that TFU isn't the kind of ultra-casual title that Carnival Games, Beach Party, or We Ski type games are.

That's why any of the said titles are beating out Madden 09 All-Play. It's better to look at "middlecore" titles that aren't geared toward massive legs than ultra-casuals.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Zucas -

You have to understand though, that TFU isn't the kind of ultra-casual title that Carnival Games, Beach Party, or We Ski type games are.

That's why any of the said titles are beating out Madden 09 All-Play. It's better to look at "middlecore" titles that aren't geared toward massive legs than ultra-casuals.


Casual is a blatantly misused word haha.  The point is casual really has no meaning when you put it that way.  The best way to put it is mainstream if you don't know how to use it and TFU is a mainstream game because Star Wars is a mainstream property.  It's why it can virtually sell well on any console.  But with Wii considering its Star Wars ties from the hype in the beginning and being a huge mainstream console around the world, it allows such a title to see the effects of the mainstream during the holiday season, the majority buyers then.

Now casual titles are hard to define.  Many people like to appropriate them with simply games that aren't epic, when really the true definition of a casual title is a game that can be picked up easily and played easily.  So party games like you have mentioned are definitely casual titles but so are alot of other games we call core games that are in turn really casual titles because they are easy to pick up and play such as racers. 

Now why do casual titles really sell well during the holidays?  Normally its because these games get noticed by the mainstream because of a big brand similar to that already took off mainstream awhile ago.  Wii Sports and Mario Party 8 made room for titles like that.  Casual titles usually don't have a very large base to offer to until they go mainstream.  That is when they become a mainstream game similar to that of Halo and Mario. 

This is what I've learned about studying what a casual title is and differentiating it from mainstream and core games and seeing it's sales trends.  But this is why mainstream titles need to be looked after in the holiday season and why casual titles have to do the same thing as well because this is where they'll get their "big break" to say the least.

The 360 banged the sh*t out of that game...

AceRock owns one PS3, one PS Vita, and one PS4.

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Not sure we need a thread for this. Nice, yeah, but it's also a Star Wars game.

AceRock said:
The 360 banged the sh*t out of that game...

Hehe, true dat!

Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is also pretty close to 1 million.



Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

This system just plain sells games

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Everstar said:
This system just plain sells games


because it has the best games and this proves it with metacritic/gamerankings.