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I heard that band once I'll have to check

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at reading festival a DJ played a load of electro and D&B, he then put on "I get around" and everyone went crazy in a happy way, everyone united it was epic!

rocketpig said:

I'm not a Beach Boys fan. Their stuff is mostly fluff in my eyes and I never really bothered to listen to one of their albums. I don't hate their music (well, some of it maybe) but I never took a real liking to them.

Today, my brother rolled in with Pet Sounds.

Holy shit, this album is fuggin' brilliant. This totally makes up for Surfin' and Barbara Ann. Of course, I heard several of the songs from Pet Sounds but I never realized that most of the Beach Boys' good songs were on one album.

Reading through the liner notes, it keeps talking about how Brian Wilson wanted to top Rubber Soul... Well, I don't know if he accomplished that lofty feat but he certainly tried his best.


Brian Wilson kept trying after the Beach boys broke up too.

My one friend really liked his one album "Smile" and he's the kind of guy that likes just about any kind of music including international, real up on a everything. 

He lent it to me but i never gave it a fair shot.

As such, Not sure if it's any good... or even like that album.  But give it a shot i guess.