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Forums - General Discussion - Recommend me movies to watch from 2008

Iron Man.
The Dark Knight.
Sweeny Todd.
Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

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I'm not quite sure how I feel about Tideland. I should probably watch it again now that I'm ready for it. The movie pretty much blindsided me the first time.

@okr: that's a drawing I did of Ms Hepburn, not a photo. I spent most of my early 20s madly in love with Audrey.

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Too much artsy shit for me today.

Time to watch Team America. I heart this movie. Stone and Parker are the best satirists of our time.

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rocketpig said:
@okr: that's a drawing I did of Ms Hepburn, not a photo. I spent most of my early 20s madly in love with Audrey.

I know what you mean. 


Ironman was good imo I highly recomend it.

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Since most of the movies i couldve recommended have been recommended, i think ill recommend some 70s Indian cinema
Pratidvandi(The Adversary)
Nayak(about a matine idol who has come to the top at the cost of his artistic integrity)

Also you could watch a movie called "Monday".its in Japanese, and has a really interesting style of narration and a great plot

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

Transformers - Wall-E- Iron Man - Advent Children - zohan.

in that order :P

SamuelRSmith said:
^I second "Les Triplettes de Belleville".


I would most definately third that. Many of the songs were hauntingly catchy. I remember watching both this and The Barbarian Invasions in a double showing, both were fantastic.

From 2008, my movie of the year so far would have to be WALL-E.

One that hasn't been mentioned yet, Son of Rambo, it was lesser known but was pretty good.

@Onyx, watch Tideland. Rubang loves it, Jackson hates it, and rocketpig doesn't know how he feels about it. I think those are the only 3 possibilities after seeing it. It's 26 at Metacritic, including 4 zeroes, a 28% at RottenTomatoes, but I think it was the film about insanity that Gilliam's been trying to make his whole life. (Now that I think of it, every single one of his films is about insanity except for the first one or maybe two.) Michael Palin told Gilliam it was either the best or worst thing he's ever made, but he couldn't tell. It flopped commercially and critically in America, but succeeded both commercially and critically in Japan. Either way, it's shot beautifully and I think it's the best film to tackle the subject matter.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
@Onyx, watch Tideland. Rubang loves it, Jackson hates it, and rocketpig doesn't know how he feels about it. I think those are the only 3 possibilities after seeing it. It's 26 at Metacritic, including 4 zeroes, a 28% at RottenTomatoes, but I think it was the film about insanity that Gilliam's been trying to make his whole life. (Now that I think of it, every single one of his films is about insanity except for the first one or maybe two.) Michael Palin told Gilliam it was either the best or worst thing he's ever made, but he couldn't tell. It flopped commercially and critically in America, but succeeded both commercially and critically in Japan. Either way, it's shot beautifully and I think it's the best film to tackle the subject matter.

I'll check it out. I mean I do like a lot of his movies. Plus I hear he's looking to do a film adaptation of Good Omens with Johnny Depp and Robin Williams, to which I say Yay! and Ewww!


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.