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RolStoppable said:
illuminatus said:

When you compare the current consoles to the auto industry you could say that the Xbox360 is the Mercedes E-class and  the PS3 is the BMW 5er. But the Wii is not a is more like a Beach Buggy. The Wii the winning system? Against whom? There is no other Beach Buggy in the race. And it is not clear that the Wii has the most sales in 3 years from now just because it had the most sales until today. The 360 still has a chance to overtake the Wii.

(the situation around the NES was SO different. It is certainly not comparable to the situation today. Actually it is comparable to nothing else.)

Car analogies are so bad because they don't really apply to consoles. You know, the more expensive cars sell less units, but to make up for that, they are sold with a bigger profit margin than the more common cars. The 360 and PS3 certainly don't follow this business model.

Insult the Wii all you want (honestly, other people have called it at least a real car in their analogies, not a buggy), but it's winning against the HD consoles, it's taking development resources of 3rd parties away from the 360 and PS3. Where would Monster Hunter 3 be if it wasn't on the Wii? It would probably be a multiplatform game for the HD consoles. That's just one example, there are more. Developers all around the world are giving the Wii better support as time passes by. All these games made for the Wii result in less games made for the HD consoles. Feel free to discount this by saying the Wii is getting tons of bad games, but it won't change the fact that the Wii is also getting good 3rd party games which won't be on the HD twins. Therefore the Wii is a threat for Microsoft and Sony and is in fact winning against the 360 and PS3.

I'd also like to ask you to not make 360 fans look bad. By now everyone of them is convinced that the 360 doesn't have any chance anymore to overtake the Wii, so please refrain from posting something as stupid as this.

@Simulacrum: You can enter the prediction league and make even more vg$.

Since profit is made with software in the console business and the auto companies don't make money with the gasoline of course this comparison not quite fits. But what the machines represent fits to the comparison i made. The Wii is a totally different machine and it has different customers. The Wii is sold to old people's homes for exercise therapy. No other console is used for that purpose. The Wii is as far away from a PS3/Xbox360 as a Beach Buggy from a E-class/BMW 5er.

And the 360 certainly has no lack of games. Au contraire...

The 360 sales figures are better than those of the original Xbox. FAR better. And in addition to that at an almost twice as high price.  In the end the 360 will probably sell 50 to 70m units. The Wii could perhaps reach 80m, but it also could be 65m. If it has beaten the 360 on 31th Dec. 2011 remains to be seen.

The PS3 probably will not quite take off as strong as the 360 next year. The economy crisis will hit the PS3 the most although it will also benefit from the HD TV boom which starts to reach the mass market in 2009.





Around the Network

Rol where you been the previous week, the wii is hot anymore in japan

its selling a puny 28k peer week.

RolStoppable said:


As for the rest of your post: Didn't I ask you to refrain from making 360 fans look bad?

I don't make them look bad.



it was the same last year,
then Wiifit killed everything in Japan

September = slow in japan

(if i remember well)

Time to Work !

goddog said:
RolStoppable said:
goddog said:
RolStoppable said:

Tell me, where did Nintendo let it slip that they are making an HD Wii? There was a poorly researched article based entirely on speculation, but presented as if it were fact. I guess that's what you are refering to.

honestly i dont know if it was poorly reseached, but it was on wired, and giz, so i feel it has a strong posibility of ringing true

That's the article I was refering to. Here's what Reggie had to say about it in a recent interview:

VB: So by that logic, some people are guessing that the next Wii will show up in 2011. You’re in the lead. You have no reason to introduce a new machine. But maybe you’ll keep up the competitive pressure?

RF-A: It’s pure rumor and speculation. I find it disappointing that it’s being reported as fact by a number of online outlets.

heh almost sounds like steve jobs when he replies to speculation




"We have no plans whatsoever to release new laptops next week"

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Around the Network
Jo21 said:
Rol where you been the previous week, the wii is hot anymore in japan

its selling a puny 28k peer week.


 And what is are the PS3 and 360 selling?

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

GTAIV08 said:
everyones getting too excited over the 360, remember it has a bleeding price cut? did everyone forget that already? also ps3 $399 and 360 $199.


 Bleeding price cut.  Some people dont know history. It has been basically 3 years and the 360 has dropped $100 in price across the 2 original SKU's.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

I thought that the Xbox 360s price was actually $299, well until it started selling better than the PS3 that is...


Simulacrum said:
RolStoppable said:

Well said.

@Simulacrum: You also get vg$ when people are posting in your thread.

And what do you do with vg$ money?



I traded in some of mine for a new Prius.  Oh, great.  Okay, guys... did someone forget to tell Simulacrum about the VGChartz 1-credit=$100 trade in program last month?  Man, that stinks.


PS3 on a steady clip upward. Back in the 50k region, next week, the sixties!