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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which games will actually benefit from the holidays?

Don't be surprised if we see Mario Kart Wii in the top five games in the holiday NPD numbers.

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Yea, we'll see if Nintendo hasn't stockpiled some WiiFits for christmas. I think you'll be suprised.

Stillwell said:
Yea, we'll see if Nintendo hasn't stockpiled some WiiFits for christmas. I think you'll be suprised.


Wiifit has been out 45 weeks.

Nintendo says they manufacture 200k per week.

By Nintendo's numbers 9million have been manufactured.

So far 8.32 million have been sold.

Unless Nintendo has quietly increased capacity there has been no stockpiling. (considering they ship worldwide from a single factory 3.5 weeks of shipments being at various points in the system is quite reasonable)


I predict that between now and December 31 they will sell 11 weeks x 200k + 700k = 2.9 million. Feel free to tell me where my reasoning is wrong or laugh at me if the LTD install base on 12/31 is significantly more  11.2 million



Defintely Mario Kart Wii will benfit from the holidays. It will probably sell another 300,000 copies during the holidays. Gears of War 2 will defintely boost 360 sales during the holiday and for the ps3 it would be resistance 2 and little big planet.


gta4, gears 2, resistance 2, wii fit, mario kart wii, ssbb, and a bunch of family games like gh, rb, ect across all platforms.

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I imagine Dead Space will sell briskly considering it is a Halloween release.

FishyJoe said:
There weren't many entertainment options during the depression. Contrast that to today where we have internet and tv which are essentially free. So I think that line of reasoning is somewhat flawed.

People will still buy games. But instead of buying a console and 3 games, a consumer might just buy a console and one game. Anyone who was planning on buying 3 games might only buy 2 games now.

Also, consumers will be more willing to wait for discounts and used games. There are a ton of used games on the shelves for cheap. I think there is enough old content available at significant discount that it will impact new sales in a bad economic environment.


Does this mean that used game prices will rise? That willr uin my buy 60-80% of my games used plan I started over the summer :(