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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Street Fighter IV - watered down? "Casual?"

disolitude said:

Its kinda like making Godfather 4 and making it in to a romantic comedy. Sure Analyze This with Robert Deniro is great, but it wouldn't go over so well with Godfather.

Thoughts? Opinions?


I would say its more like following up MKDD with MKWii.


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SnakeEyez said:
disolitude said:
KylieDog said:
disolitude said:
KylieDog said:
Good, SFIII sucked, SFII was much more fun.

I'd love to play you in Street fighter 2, or 3...

If someone announces openly that SF3 flew over their head by a mile and they don't get it...saying it sucks...they definetly will make an easy oponent in any street fighter game.



Not really, SF II was just more fun, SF III was less fun, there for it failed to improve the series with the direction it took, which is probably a good part of why it wasn't as big a hit.


I really don't understand this challenge concept, like winning or losing at a game will somehow change the game itself to not suck?  How does that work?

lol...well winning is usually more fun than losing. If someone loses constantly they will surely think a game sucks.

In any case, I can find you countless publications which list street fighter 3 third strike as the best street fighter ever, including screw attack which gives it the best fighting game ever made award.

What street fighter 3 did is called evolving. People who enjoyed SF2 wanted to play something new and exciting...Alpha evolved the series and introduced many things(god bless the custom combo V-ism) but SF3:Third strike took the cake with innovations.

You can still play SF3 like SF2 for a while and it should be as fun as any other SF game...but if you spend a few weeks with it...and learn how to apply the long jump attack, how to parry a fireball here and there, how to tie in Kens jump in 4 hit combo with a super and take off 1/2 of the opponets health, when to use the EX moves, how to properly zone your gives your brain something else to think about during the fight. Ad makes it hell of a lot cooler than...jump in, throw, crossover...over and over...


Wow....just Wow. We have had our differences in many things, mainly the "console war" but when it comes to fighting games (and especially SF3) we share the same mind state. Honestly, I would LOVE to play u in SF4 when it releases (that is if the online play is not that laggy), IDK if u plan on rebuying a PS3 or not, it'd be a shame IMO if I don't get to play u. I wanna see wat u got.


*lightbulb* hopefully somebody (prolly me if needed) can make an official VGChartz SF4 bi-weekly tournament or something, that'd kick ass.

Damn, thats a sweet idea...depending on the in game lobby system we could organize a vgcahrtz results...videos a VGchartz champ. The only problem is the gaming system...too bad they can't make the games online work cross platform.

there is a good chance I may rebuy a ps3 before this game is out...but I don't think ill get SF4 on ps3 as anyone I know and play with will get it on the 360. I guess I can always rent it if we set a date to play or something...

I guess lets see how thins play out closer to the release date. Has the release date been set yet?

Soo... you don't want this turning into something like SSBB?

I don't think they can afford to weaken the high-level play for a game like Street Fighter. I thought the game has gotten niche enough that it sorta depends on its core fans.

disolitude said:

Damn, thats a sweet idea...depending on the in game lobby system we could organize a vgcahrtz results...videos a VGchartz champ. The only problem is the gaming system...too bad they can't make the games online work cross platform.

there is a good chance I may rebuy a ps3 before this game is out...but I don't think ill get SF4 on ps3 as anyone I know and play with will get it on the 360. I guess I can always rent it if we set a date to play or something...

I guess lets see how thins play out closer to the release date. Has the release date been set yet?


Ah yes, that makes sense, no point in getting both. Hopefully one of my friends that has a 360 gets it so I can go over and play u. If not, there can be 2 champs, a 360 champ and a PS3 champ (if they don't get to play each other). As far as the release date, there hasn't been a set date, but everywhere I go I see a Q1 2009 release date. Gamestop has it for Feb 09, although thats more than likely a placeholder, but it shouldn't be too far off. Hopefully we do get this tourney going, a good way for members to get to know one another.