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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who's sticking with the 360 only this gen?

darthdevidem01 said:
I'm a Ps3 owner this gen.,......I definetely don' want a 360 unles SO4 is really exclusive for more than like 12 months or something

but I'm very happy with has all the games I want...


Edit: Sorry double post

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
CGI-Quality said:
twesterm said:
CGI-Quality said:
Well that's bad for you seeing as how you'll be missing out on LOTS of stuff just to prove a point? I'll reiterate: That sucks for YOU AND ONLY YOU. Being an owner of all 3 myself, I'll have the pleasure of enjoying EVERYTHING from this gen while you may enjoy maybe 30 - 35% of it and that makes you happy? Well whatever floats your boat but seriously man, unless you truly can't afford them (no offense meant), you should give PS3 and Wii a serious try.


And if someone can only afford one console? Not everyone's parents can afford to support their kids every whim.


I know. That's why I told him if he can't afford it I was understanding of that, but if he was just saying I won't buy it cuz it sucks, well yea he's entitled to his opinion but I would just STRONGLY disagree.


I understand your point dude, but go to your local gamestop and check out the library dude. It's starting the mirror the old PS2 library. Where I live I have 3 gamestops that I go to and the Xbox 360 section nearly has its own wall, just like the PS2 did and the PS3 and the Wii still have a small wall. This economy is causing most people who own systems to think more about their wallets. Luckily for me I haven't purchased a videogame since february and have been saving for a PS3. Whether I like it or not i'm still going to have to pay $600 just to enjoy a couple games with the PS3. MGS4, Killzone 2, and Uncharted for now. Alot of the 3rd party games that used to be exclusive like DMC4, Tekken 6 and FFXIII were the only reason alot of people who used to own PS2's are buying a 360. 1/3 of my friends (and I have alot) are anime addicts and Japanese fanatics and the mass majority of those bought 360's instead of the PS3 which blew me away. I thought they would be pro Sony but Microsoft is making it harder because they are giving a cheaper route to HD gaming with the same games plus exclusives. My friend angie bought a 360 two weeks ago (before the market meltdown) and shes raving about Eternal Sonata. She told me shes pinching her pennies now. I literally only know 2 people who have who have the PS3 out of a bunch of people who are now penny pinchers and I know about 20 people who have the Wii and a little bit less who have the 360. The dude who has the PS3 barely plays it because he's in the airforce now and his little brother is in my university so he can barely afford games. The other friend who has the PS3 has all of the systems and is pretty spoiled by his parents.


Actually at the several Gamestops I visit, the 360 selection of games are not much bigger then the PS3's.  And there is one thing the 360 library will never mirror from the PS2, SONY developed games.  I found it rather surprising that of my PS2 collection of 144 titles, 25% of them are SONY developed/published.  And I can understand your point that less people own a PS3.  Well, DUH!!!  It's in 3rd place, worse in N.A., but still doing well worldwide.  Pretty obvious because the numbers reflect it.  But really, there was no need for you to bring up those point with the exception of penny pinching because it had almost nothing to do with the post you responded to.  Just another one of your covert way to bash the PS3.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

*shaking my head*

I have never seen a group of people quite like PS3 fanboys. They try so very hard to get other people to buy PS3s, all the while acting like the PS3 has been in pole position this entire generation. Have you guys ever noticed how much energy you spend trying to convince people to buy your console of choice? That should tell you something.

To answer the question from the OP, I plan on staying 360 only. If I had unlimited budget, I would most definitely own a PS3, but sadly I don't. Like someone else said, I'd rather stockpile my extra cash for the next gen of consoles. For now, a 360 and a decked out gaming PC is enough for me.

I own a 360 and a wii, but I don't use my wii much. I might buy a ps3 in the future if the price goes down and I haven't already purchased a stand alone Blue-ray player. I don't feel a huge urge to get a ps3, but I don't hate the ps3 or anything.

The thing is I'm not even slightly tempted to get a PS3. I might get a Wii just for the first party games but I will never give a shit about a PS3. The only PS3 exclusive I used to want was FFXIII, but I can get that now on my fantastic xbox.

Currently Playing: Gears 2, World at War, GTA IV, Banjo Nuts and Bolts

The Greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge - Stephen Hawking


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halil23 said:
Domicinator said:
*shaking my head*

I have never seen a group of people quite like PS3 fanboys. They try so very hard to get other people to buy PS3s, all the while acting like the PS3 has been in pole position this entire generation. Have you guys ever noticed how much energy you spend trying to convince people to buy your console of choice? That should tell you something.

To answer the question from the OP, I plan on staying 360 only. If I had unlimited budget, I would most definitely own a PS3, but sadly I don't. Like someone else said, I'd rather stockpile my extra cash for the next gen of consoles. For now, a 360 and a decked out gaming PC is enough for me.

*Look at the thread title* Who's trying again???

Further add do to my previous post, you're (and other xbox only owners) going to miss out a lot of great games.

So it PS3+Wii+PC or nothing!!!

Apparantly you didn't read my WHOLE statement, which was that if I had more of a budget for gaming, I would have a PS3.  I simply think it's pathetic that people campaign so hard for others to buy one, and you and I both know why they do that.


CGI-Quality said:
@ Domicinator

*Shaking MY head at hater*

You try to justify your biased, judgmental post by claiming that PS3 fans are trying to sell their system of choice by speaking good of a system they love, and somehow they have a sinister motive? Why do you make a big deal out of nothing?


And what sinister motive was it that I said they had?  Their motive is that not enough people belong to the PS3 club and they are afraid that their system of choice, which is in third place and not gaining ground at the moment, will fail.  That's the stuff that fuels console wars that are mostly fought online amongst the nerdiest of the nerds.  It's the Dreamcast syndrome.  And just an FYI--there is no way the PS3 will suffer the fate of Dreamcast, even if it does end up in 3rd place.  So relax.

AGAIN, I don't think you bothered reading my whole post.  In the next paragraph I said that if I had money to blow, I would most definitely buy a PS3.  I have never once thought it to be an inferior console.  It's a terrific machine.  But it's like Sony made this beast and didn't know how to handle it once they created it.  And then they just threw it on the developers and said "YOU deal with this thing."