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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who's sticking with the 360 only this gen?

Not I. Happily Wii60. If I had only Wii I'd probably be fine but only 360 would probably be seen as me not playing games much at all haha. I'd become a casual gamer... oh noz.

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My brother owns a PS3, but we both purchase games for it. Other than that, I do not plan on purchasing a Wii, DS or a PSP.

I only own a 360 and gaming PC, but my girlfriend owns a Wii, which I can borrow to play anything that really interests me. (I did the same thing last gen with my friend's Gamecube.) As for the PS3, I was planning on buying one when Final Fantasy came out. Now, I'm not so sure. I don't care about Blu-ray in the slightest, and the only exclusive that really interests me at the moment is Uncharted. I'm watching White Knight Chronicles with interest, though. Also, Team ICO was one of my favorite dev teams last gen; I've been waiting for details on their next project for two years now. However, even if those games end up as "must-play" for me, I might just end borrowing my friend's PS3 to play through them.

So yeah, I'll probably end only owning the 360 this gen - but hopefully, I'll still get to play through the exclusives on the other systems which interest me the most.

I sticking with my PS3. Even though all three systems are great

Not me I really like the wii and all it's games.

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Me. Besides some retro PC emulator gaming or AoEs, the 360 suits me just fine. I do not have an HDTV so I do not care for the PS3 and BR.

I couldnt do it, i love my 360, but i couldnt just stick with it only. I brought a ps3 a year after my 360 and felt like i made a great investment

It would be sad if I have to, since last gen I was a 2 console owner - GC and PS2 and each console usually has enough exclusives and unique features .

But looking at it since there are more than enough good games to last until 2010 for 360, who knows. And also, Blizzards big games are coming out next year so the next gaming platform I get might most prob be an upgrade to my PC, which further delays another console buy.

twesterm said:
CGI-Quality said:
Well that's bad for you seeing as how you'll be missing out on LOTS of stuff just to prove a point? I'll reiterate: That sucks for YOU AND ONLY YOU. Being an owner of all 3 myself, I'll have the pleasure of enjoying EVERYTHING from this gen while you may enjoy maybe 30 - 35% of it and that makes you happy? Well whatever floats your boat but seriously man, unless you truly can't afford them (no offense meant), you should give PS3 and Wii a serious try.


And if someone can only afford one console?  Not everyone's parents can afford to support their kids every whim.


The problem with the CGI's point of view is this: There is NO WAY (unless someone plays 24/7) even if you have all three consoles this gen that you can enjoy more than 45-50 % of any generation's important releases. It is strictly a matter of time. So, this is a choice you have to make. What should I do since there are only 3 games I wanted to play in a PS3? (and 5-6 on a Wii?). So, I find it better to stick to my console of choice and try to have access (borrowing, renting, somehow anyways) to some important releases of the other two consoles.

And if you think my friend that owning all three of the consoles this gen, means you'll play more and better games than me, what can I say? You are slightly delusional (no offense). And of course you forget PC gaming. Plenty of time consumed there with strategy and adventure games...

Well, I have a Wii, but its currently being used as a coaster for my drink when I'm playing my 360. I still like the console, though.

I still don't have a PS3 because nothing it has to offer interest me yet. 

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.