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Forums - Sony Discussion - YAKUZA 3

AM I the only one who thinks this is the biggest, awesomest, god-damn game in this planet?

its time to kick innocent japanese citizen ass!

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it did look very impressive I have to agree. I wonder how big the area is gonna be compared the GTA4....because those were very good graphics and seems fun...

yknow there's something different about japanese gangsters.

for one, they're much more brutally cruel like they'd kill in a heartbeat without any moral implications. ITS JUST BUSINESS FOOL!

second, they're like all willing to commit seppuku or lose a finger every time they foul up a job. that's committment.

third, they just look far more bad ass. the western gangsters are like... fat and pimply, sitting on their laurels on fat ranks of cash. the yakuza seem like they're always in sharp suits, hip sunglasses, kickass tattoos, and they seem to be pretty good at hand to hand combat.

plus this:


no one else wants yakuza 3??


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It probably wont't come to the states or europe until late 2010 tho.

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

Bobo012893 said:
It probably wont't come to the states or europe until late 2010 tho.


bastard, don't destroy my hopes of random japanese civilian manslaughter using a baseball bat.


no other people here are interested in unfair persecution of random japanese civilians?

Im very interested, ive always been going on this site to read and such but i now made an account just to comment on this lol. Yakuza rules!! Im still playing part 2. Was like halfway thru til some odd reason my memory got currupted so im back to starting it all over again. I so cant wait for part 3!!!!

@ V-r0cK )

yea at one point my memory got corrupted in Y2 aswell, but luckily it was while I was still playing, so I just could save again to not lose my progress

@ OP )

I'm very interested in Ryu ga Gotoku 3, but there already were two other threads for the game and those had links to the ingame trailer and the cutscene trailer - maybe you should add those aswell to spice up your thread or just use the other two threads to discuss the game.


edit: ah i just saw, that atleast one of the other threads was closed because it had the word "f*ck" in it's name