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Forums - General Discussion - Do you get Tonsillolith? (White, smelly "tonsil stones")

I do unfortunately. They are fowl and a pain in the butt to control.


A tonsillolith (also called tonsil stone or calculus of the tonsil) is a piece (or more commonly, a cluster) of calcareous matter which forms in the rear of the mouth, in the crevasses (called tonsillar crypts) of the palatine tonsils (which are what most people commonly refer to as simply tonsils).

Tonsil stones, it is theorized, are the result of a combination of any of the following:[1]

Protruding tonsilloliths have the feel of a foreign object, lodged between the outside of wisdom teeth and the temporomandibular joint region of the fleshed jaw. They may be an especially uncomfortable nuisance, but are not often harmful. They are one possible cause of halitosis.[2]

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OMG i am not the only one..YEAH,, i am the only person i know of to ever get these


This thread was inspired by the following post since I wanted to give him the clinical name and explanation. I started the thread so we could see that we are not alone. We're in fact at least 3...

Did you know what they were called Mesoteto?

I didn’t know there even was a name for them let alone an explination

Every now and then I would just feel like I had something in the back of my throat, kinda have to hack, cough it up and I would spit out this little whitish thing that looked like a peanut and smelled like a concentrated fart…I thought it was nasty but I seemed be the only one in my family and friends that had them…

The worse one I have ever had was about the size of my pinky nail…that was gross to get that one out

But I haven’t had one in a while now


Yes I get them. If you have a tonsillectomy done. You will no longer get them. My wife use to get them too, but no longer does. She keeps telling me to get it done, but I think for insurance reasons there needs to be something actually wrong.


Not just those fowl things!!!

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

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Well, I fear being under the knife and it really is just an annoyance, so until they find a laser surgery solution, I'll live with them. I bring a toothbrush with me most places I go anyways.

I had my tonsils removed when I was about 5, so obviously not.

I had them a few times until I replaced my mouthwash with saltwater, I haven't had one since.

I'll look into the saltwater suggestion, Thanks

Dogs Rule said:
Well, I fear being under the knife and it really is just an annoyance, so until they find a laser surgery solution, I'll live with them. I bring a toothbrush with me most places I go anyways.


Laser tonsillectomies already exist.

And no I don't get them, I only get ridiculous amounts of ulcers.