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Forums - Sony Discussion - Record-breaking Iron Man Blu-ray sells 500K+ units in first week

Not sure how anyone can say this is not impressive. It was 20% of sales for Iron Man. I think that is very impressive and shows that BR is probably only about a year or 2 away from being on par with DVD.

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whatever said:
Not sure how anyone can say this is not impressive. It was 20% of sales for Iron Man. I think that is very impressive and shows that BR is probably only about a year or 2 away from being on par with DVD.


Actually based on billsalias numbers, it represents just over 7% of DVD sales ...

HappySqurriel said:
whatever said:
Not sure how anyone can say this is not impressive. It was 20% of sales for Iron Man. I think that is very impressive and shows that BR is probably only about a year or 2 away from being on par with DVD.


Actually based on billsalias numbers, it represents just over 7% of DVD sales ...


And those numbers are from the link in the OP.