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Forums - Sony Discussion - First Demon's Souls footage...

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The framrate is horrible, and the animations are kind've clunky, but it looks pretty nice.  It has good physics for an RPG, looking at the boards he was knocking around.

But yeah, From Software + buggy demo  =(

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looks like crap with all those framrate drops

video wont load for me... got a different site hosting it?

meh :(.

its bad :/.graphics are okay but it doesn't look epic.

doesnt look horrible but agreed it needs more polish, i guess that is why it is a later 2009 release (probably spring to fall 09)

besides that this game looks effin awesome!!!!!!!!! emphasis on effin....more a greater emphasis on awesome!!!!!!!!!

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This looks like neverwinter night... the little enthusiasm I had for it died.

Hopefully the next gameplay footage we see will have more polish then this, it still holds potential.

Gameplay needs work ,Graphics need polish but that's alright because it isn't due for another year.

No sound makes it seem even more boring... i didnt get enough game play to gauge it, looks like the player juyst hit x a couple times. I'm sure there is more that can be done that the player was playing with... at least a commentary demo telling us what they are doing and can be done would be great.

The enimies just stood there after getting hit... 1 year better be good to from software.