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Forums - Sony Discussion - White Knight Chronicles>Final Fantasy XIII. Don't believe me? Watch this...

Don't get me wrong, the game looks PHENOMENAL. I love L5... but FFXIII is still on top of my most anticipated :)

(this is an easy #2 though)

It's all about the game.

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very nice but FF will always remain king of console RPG's.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

sc94597 said:
IDK... FFXIII will be using an ATB battle system, WKC will be using that new battle system that is very inovative yet I have more fun in turnbased rpgs. The story of FFXIII , unless it goes the route of FFXII, will no doubt be better than what seems to be a very dull story in WKC. Also the developers while both make great games are leaps apart in terms of history. I will say that they both will be great, but have to hand it to FFXIII just because it is the more appealing to me. Though it isn't the same for everybody. My opinion could change though depending on many factors.


That does it

Roll for initiative!

SnakeEyez said:
makingmusic476 said:
At first I was like, "Oh, another one of these threads," but that footage was damn impressive. I can't wait for this game.

Of course, comparing it to FFXIII is unnecessary, imo.


yea it was good, but I feel like I've seen that trailer before. It could be because, all their trailers have been VERY similar. I wanna see something new. I wanna see some techs/skills in the game (besides transforming to the knight). If theres no skills in this game, thats a big let down.

Seriously, go back and watch WKC's TGS 07 trailer, its practically the same. It's almost as bad as SE adding like 15 seconds of new CGI footage at the end of FFXIII and calling it a "new" trailer.......Anyways, can't wait for this game.

Well, they showed more Knights at the end, which was cool.  I thought there would only be a White and Dark Knight.


Agreed with thread title haha. WKC is turning out to be quite good.

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I believe you, but it's only because I don't like Final Fantasy.

SpartanFX said:
let's not say that,,,cause MS is here and they read these threads ,,,they will go and pay for multiplat version of that game and reveal it in another game conference.



hahaha u are right.BTW first time I get hyped by this game- It looks... I don't have words

F.U. Fun University.

Fooking amazing.

However good WKC is it just doesn't have the brand name FF does. But the video is very cool.

question... is the sony conference happening now? because recently demons soul, quantum theory, and wkc trailers have all come out... if this isnt the conference what would sony show?