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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Star Ocean 4: February 2009

Looks like imma be getting a 360 in march or soon after.

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Godot said:
That's what I love with MS. We don't need to wait 9 months after the game has been released in Japan to get the game.

Unless your name was/is Blue Dragon. Then you had to wait 8 agonizing months for it to debut in the West.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Sweet game is shaping up well. Let's just hope it doesn't suffer similar fates of the recent released 360 JRPGs. But this one should do a lot better.

Timed exclusive for X360? I assume Star Ocean 4  will appear on PS3 within 6 to 12 months after the X360 release.

Exclusive games will become less and less over time because developers can make a lot of money by porting the game to the other console and making more profits from game sales.

Supernova, there's been no indication of that. So lets talk about the awesomeness that is SO4 on the 360 :)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Zucas said:
Sweet game is shaping up well. Let's just hope it doesn't suffer similar fates of the recent released 360 JRPGs. But this one should do a lot better.

I don't think it will suffer like IU and ToV did.  IU was a new IP and ToV wasn't marketed very well.  S-E will give it good marketing.  Then again, IU had TV commercials(in the US and Japan) but that didn't stop the game from selling poorly.  SO has an established fanbase though so The Last Hope will probably end up doing better.  1 million copies shouldn't be a problem for this game since SO3 went past that sales mark.


Riachu said:
The wait for the US releases of previous SO games was a year or more after their Japanese releases, yet The Last Hope will be in America just a mere 2 weeks after its Japanese release. That's gotta be suprising.

Not really. Xbox 360 is strongest in the US by a long shot so most 360 games can't wait to release here.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Star Ocean 4 will be a great game. It will be the best JRPG game on the X360 to date.

Riachu said:
Zucas said:
Sweet game is shaping up well. Let's just hope it doesn't suffer similar fates of the recent released 360 JRPGs. But this one should do a lot better.

I don't think it will suffer like IU and ToV did. IU was a new IP and ToV wasn't marketed very well. S-E will give it good marketing. Then again, IU had TV commercials(in the US and Japan) but that didn't stop the game from selling poorly. SO has an established fanbase though so The Last Hope will probably end up doing better. 1 million copies shouldn't be a problem for this game since SO3 went past that sales mark.



Yes I think it should fair better but SO3 was on the PS2 and there is definitely a large difference between PS2 and 360 especially when it comes to sales in Japan.  1 million is probably pushing it but I don't doubt it has a chance.

Pristine20 said:
Riachu said:
The wait for the US releases of previous SO games was a year or more after their Japanese releases, yet The Last Hope will be in America just a mere 2 weeks after its Japanese release. That's gotta be suprising.

Not really. Xbox 360 is strongest in the US by a long shot so most 360 games can't wait to release here.


Why is that?  Is it because of that supposed "hype will die down if the game takes too long to get to the US" thing?