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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 1 star's difficulty in SMG is completely unbalanced with rest of game.

Oyvoyvoyv said:
ctk495 said:

You came to the right place :) I beat that thing twice once with mario and another one with luigi is not hard at all compare to Dreadnought Galaxy: Battlestation's Purple Coins.This is basicly what I did to beat it:



No offense, but this is a perfect example of what not to do. Here you take all the difficult coins, and he is close do dying at least 5 or 6 times. If you try doing as him, you'll be changeless.

Find out which coins are too difficult, and skip them. Remember: you only need 2/3 coins.


  Lulz whatever imo Dreadnought Galaxy: Battlestation's Purple Coins is harder and the gizmo one is harder too.

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There was one lv I think in melty molten galaxy then if you only got hit once you die.That lv was pretty sweat.

I think my problem can be summed up as panic. When the platforms start rotating or diappearing, I panic. I don't take the 1/2 second to realign the camera and I also forget to spin after some of my jumps.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

This level also made me rage. Then I watch people do it on youtube and made me rage more when I see at what ease some freaks can do it.


I didn't have much trouble with dreadnought. This is very interesting to see that what 1 person is finding impossible, another person finds easy.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

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which levels do you have left besides LPC?

Dreadnought is not harder technically but is it more unforgiving. In Luigi's Purple Coins you can miss some coins and still get it but in Dreadnought, you miss one and all your effort goes down the drain. I once missed one of the last three coins.... I was MAD!!!!!

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tabsina said:
which levels do you have left besides LPC?


 I'm not sure.  I have 117 stars total.  I didn't know that I could pay a guy to move the comets around, so I've been doing them in the order that the game gives them to me.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

dougsdad0629 said:
I didn't have much trouble with dreadnought. This is very interesting to see that what 1 person is finding impossible, another person finds easy.



Lol no I didn't find that one impossible at all it's just that it was last star I had to do I think I beat it in 5 or 10 tries.Anyway you are right in some way since there are others who find the manta ray one hard while I thought it was extremely easy.Also soriku did the luigi's purple coins in his 2 try.

I really loved this games, and got all the stars.
this one was indeed kinda hard, because i had to allign the camera everytime.

dreadnought was doable. fighting against the stone enemy with one health
took me 3 tries.

indeed very strange: everybody had some problems with different levels.

but in the end: this is one of the best games i have ever played (been playing since the commodore 64)