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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Molyneux asking for special review consideration ...

selnor said:
Those saying crap about Molyneux just cant wait to jump on this bandwagon.

He has not asked for leanient reviews or special treatment. All he has done is Tell them exactly what the coop will entail and ask for feedback from people who have never played a game in their life.

Stop mish mashing what Molyneux has done.

Dude the guy has a tendancy of being full of shit. And there is a problem with him telling them what it will have. One problem is he has a tendancy of being full of shit. The other is the reviewers arent playing what he is describing so they have to rely on someone who has a tendancy of being full of shit and has much to gain with good scores. He is obviously trying to get something from this letter. If it isn't them passing along his message through a review then what is it? They can't do that because it's not there to review. Is it asking them to be linient because it doesnt have it? Well thats just bull shit too. If that were the case then he shouldn't make it obvious that it's lacking that feature. Also if reviewers find it fit to dock it for points because of that then they should. The person who has most to gain from the project shouldn't have communications with reviewers at all. And he sure the hell shouldn't try and persuade them to think one way. What they think and feel is what they should say.



Look I know your a Ps3 boy and that you cant help it. I will remind you that this compared with the fiasco that Konami did with "special review consideration" for MGS4 was far worse. Oh wait did you forget the storm that caused. EGM reviewed MGS4 1 month late because of that.

And for your info. PM isnt full of it. Every game he has made has had in it what was intended, except the first Fable. Fable was due to hardware limitations. But hardware got better and the dream can be realised. It's like looking at the original star wars trilogy and then the remakes. limitations was the reason.

Hows about you stop swearing. Theres no need for it.

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Who gives a shit Pete? Your game is gonna rock no matter what critics say.

Will there still be local coop at launch? Also anyone know if it is going to be splitscreen coop or will you need two 360's and two Fable games to play coop with a buddy that does not have online.

Well from what i remember, black and white fell short of what PM wanted too.

no why would he do that? if the game is as good or better than fable 1 it will get good reviews anyway......He shouldnt have sent the letter.

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AH the Molyneux ego experience strikes again. Sometimes he kinda reminds me of Bush trying to ask for a 3rd term =p

Fuck that.

If people want to give Kojima flak for not being able to talk about the cutscene length, then we're going to give him flak on co-op.

Not a big issue imo. One of the greatest games this gen (MGS4) was surrounded by not one, but multiple issue regarding "fair considerations" and "dont mind the loading times" and "the story is complex, so please be patient during long cut scenes"...ect...ect...hand delivered to reviewers by Kojima himself.

This game will still be fantastic! I think for Peter, just like Kojima, he considers his game a work of art, and a reflection of his creative ideas and story telling. Its understandable if he is concerned that some reviewers may look past certain aspects due to a few minor issues from the get-go and give a lower or unfair score. Guess we shall just have to wait and see.

I don't think any company should get special review consideration... his first request does seem reasonable though - get someone that doesn't play games to jump in with you and gauge their reaction.

The second one is rough, because it is absolutely the kind of feature that could give a game massive brownie points (and translate to review points), but it's not ready....

I guess bottom line, yeah, it sucks that reviewers probably won't consider the online coop feature in their review scores, but if it was that important the game launch should have been delayed by a couple weeks to ensure comprehensive reviews.

Did the "Lair Review Guide" pop into anyones head when they read this?

As for the multiplayer, if it is not on the disk, it does not get reviewed. That seems pretty simple. You do not re-review after a patch. (see Lair, or patches to fix frame rate issues on multiple PS3 games, GHIII audio on Wii, etc)