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Forums - General Discussion - A vote for Bob Barr is a vote for change!!!

pimpcoop said:

wait a minute there is no way that voting for Bob Barr is a wasted vote. Your voting for who you think is the better canidate. So far in some states he is polling ten percent. That is huge numbers concidering that no one on tv talks about him or even has enough money to get his name out there. This guy will change the way the goverment is run and McBama will destroy any hope we have of saving are country!


The U.S. has only two viable parties.  Even if Barr, or another third party, gets elected he won't have anyone in congress to legislate or approve appointments.

Next, don't believe all the election hype you hear frmo people like me.  The country isn't really falling apart, it's just something we say to create a sense of urgency - it's good for business.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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pimpcoop said:

wait a minute there is no way that voting for Bob Barr is a wasted vote. Your voting for who you think is the better canidate. So far in some states he is polling ten percent. That is huge numbers concidering that no one on tv talks about him or even has enough money to get his name out there. This guy will change the way the goverment is run and McBama will destroy any hope we have of saving are country!


Please show me these polls which have Barr at 10%. I look at polls allday and have never seen him higher than 3% in any state.

You know, I would vote for him, but I disagree with him on nearly every issue listed here. To surmise: No.

pimpcoop said:

wait a minute there is no way that voting for Bob Barr is a wasted vote. Your voting for who you think is the better canidate. So far in some states he is polling ten percent. That is huge numbers concidering that no one on tv talks about him or even has enough money to get his name out there. This guy will change the way the goverment is run and McBama will destroy any hope we have of saving are country!



voting for someone in another party isnt wasting a vote.  you could say the same thing about voting for a popular candidate that you know is going to win in your state.

that being said, polling ten percent in a few states isnt enough to get anyone elected.  and i highly doubt that this guy or any other in a third party has a chance of "changing the way the government is run" unless theyre elected.

LPgirl435 said:
pimpcoop said:

wait a minute there is no way that voting for Bob Barr is a wasted vote. Your voting for who you think is the better canidate. So far in some states he is polling ten percent. That is huge numbers concidering that no one on tv talks about him or even has enough money to get his name out there. This guy will change the way the goverment is run and McBama will destroy any hope we have of saving are country!



voting for someone in another party isnt wasting a vote.  you could say the same thing about voting for a popular candidate that you know is going to win in your state.

that being said, polling ten percent in a few states isnt enough to get anyone elected.  and i highly doubt that this guy or any other in a third party has a chance of "changing the way the government is run" unless theyre elected.

and, like someone said before me, even if he is elected, with reps and dems running congress theres little room for him to effectively make change.

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Well he will make a change in a big way, but people are just blind by how good lier McBama is! I know deep down in my heart there is no snow ball shot in hell for Bob Barr to win, but still if we can get his name out there, then maybe we can get a 3rd party candidate to maybe win in the next election. Both candidates have said things in the last month that really freak me the hell out and I would never vote for these guys in my life.

You are a day late and a dollar short, my friend. I have been advocating Barr for the past month. I sense most of the people on here want to vote for him-steven, akuma, and a few others-, but they cannot let go of their inhibitions.

Jackson50 said:
You are a day late and a dollar short, my friend. I have been advocating Barr for the past month. I sense most of the people on here want to vote for him-steven, akuma, and a few others-, but they cannot let go of their inhibitions.


Hey now, just because I like the guy and used to agree with his ideology does not mean that I would have ever voted for a Libertarian.

Libertarians are radicals by U.S. standards.  I am too conservative, we don't need to steer the system in a wild new direction, we need to nudge it. 

We live comfortable lives, our wealth is fairly safe, our lives are safe.  The problems are in our hearts.  Some want healthcare to be more accessible, some want borders to be secure, some want to protect or eliminate abortion.  None of these are big changes to a significant number of Americans.  They are issues to individual Americans.

The point of Libertarianism is to take out individual motivations in government, for the sake of the individual.  The real world just doesn't work that way.  If your religious beliefs say, "Try to change the rules," than Libertarianism won't work.  If your feeling say no child should go with out health care, then Libertarianism won't work.  If your ideology demands international interference or intervention, then Libertarianism won't work.

Like all radical ideologies, the ideas can sound good or apalling.  When you look deeper, you will see a very naive and immature method of governing; that could only work well if everyone agreed... Of course, if every one agreed, we wouldn't need government.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

My question for Bob Barr. Why do I have to pay money to be a recognized independent.

highwaystar101 said:
He seems OK, but not great, there are a few policies I don't agree with.

Now Obama, that voting for that guy would be a vote for change.


If you mean going from pandering to Bush's special interest lobbiest to pandering to Obama's special lobbiests.

The American system is a lot like being slowley killed to death by two different torture machiens... changing them really doesn't change the fact that your going to be in torture for the next 4 years... but since the pain will be in a different place you don't care as much.