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Forums - Sony Discussion - Jackass Remakes 9/11 with LittleBigPlanet

I think it's time we let 9/11 loose it's hold over us , its traumatic but if we're still so negativley affected by this then this only makes what the terroists did on that day more effective than it otherwise would be.

I say lauph it off and get on with it the best way you can , for a video (aside from the whole 9/11 thing) it was pretty cool , I've never knew sackboy could hold on to an areoplane like that.

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Sacrificing civilians to save troops is absolutely unacceptable. Troops accept the fact they risk death the second they sign up. Civilians are just trying to live their lives.

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Alright guys, so say we didn't nuke Japan. What would the eventual outcome of the war be?

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

BILL COSBY!!! said:
Alright guys, so say we didn't nuke Japan. What would the eventual outcome of the war be?


About another 8-12 months of dragged out fighting before we broke their spirit



CrashMan said:
Sacrificing civilians to save troops is absolutely unacceptable. Troops accept the fact they risk death the second they sign up. Civilians are just trying to live their lives.


Unless the troops were drafted into service, and I believe most troops in WWII were drafted. To be honest, and I know this is incongruous with what a lot of people believe today, but  you have to pull out all the stops to win a war. You do what must be done to win a war. If we had to drop some atomic bombs on Japan to force them to surrender, then I think it was necessary. It was unfortunate, to say the least, but it was necessary.

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mesoteto said:
BILL COSBY!!! said:
Alright guys, so say we didn't nuke Japan. What would the eventual outcome of the war be?


About another 8-12 months of dragged out fighting before we broke their spirit


Thank you! My point because instead of nukes we'd just use incendiary bombs which would have lead to even more deaths for the Japanese and we would have had to invade their mainland thus resulting in even more deaths for us. Ironically the nukes were the best way to go.

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

Personally i like the bat bomb


This could have ended all the problems with the least potential for death, a quick strike that would have left them puzzled as to what caused it as well as how to combat a country that seems to have such weapons….it was a great idea that worked extremely well



In my opinion, Machiavelli was completely wrong. You are defind by your means, and they are just as important as the ends, if not more so.

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

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Mega Man 9 Challenges: 74%

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I really don't like that Homonculi in your avatar.

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Oh god. Its not that big a deal. The Space Invaders one at least looked good. People need to stop being so damn sensitive especially over something as shitty as that level. It didnt even look good.

In the end anyone whos offended really need to get the hell over it.