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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Good TBS games?

Soriku , I already plan on getting BK and BKO eventually when I have more time to play long story driven games. I will eventually get them. RIght now I want to play a TBS though.

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deathcape said:
OMG....what about Fire Emblem?..GBA? Wii?...

sorry..I knew you wanted computer...but I'm not a PC gamer much..

I already have Radiant Dawn, and Blazing Sword. I don't want Srpgs though.


noname2200 said:
sc94597 said:
Yep no SRPGs, I don't really have time for story heavy games right now, and have plenty of story heavy games to beat so that is why I want just a plain TBS that focuses purely on gameplay. I will try total war, worms and Romance of the Three Kingdoms . As for Valkyria Chronicles I already decided to get it a long time ago so I will be getting that as well when it is released. Most likely will get it after I finish Disgaea 3 if I haven't finished it by then.

Do be warned that the combat in the Total War series is real-time, not turn-based, although the strategy map is turn based. (It's easier to think of it as a Risk-like boardgame on one hand, which morphs into an RTS for the battles).

I'm not saying you won't like them, mind you...


You can always use auto resolve :p I get incredibly lazy during the late game and use the function alot.

Be warn though, the game can take ages to complete, especially if you go with the longer conquest mode. And late game micro management is almost on the level of Civ-games.


ah..I's an SRPG...and not a TBS?

now I'm lost..Advance Wars is exactly like FE..only..with no real RPG element

wouldnt..a TBSRPG make more sense than calling it a SRPG? I'm lost..I hate game genres..they are more confusing than anything..

on the same matter..RPG..doesn't NEED to be turnbased..or level ups..not really..

I still consider LoZ an it used to be called..what caused the change idk >_

Europa Universalis III is one of the best Strategy games (in fact technically it's an RTS, but plays entirely like a TBS), that had me hooked up one week in a game where it was the only thing that I played, it's awesome because you can start with any nation from any period between 1450-1789 and guide it till the French Revolution, I started with a three-province nation and when the game ended I had beaten the Ottoman Empire, my empire reached through Arabia and had conquered half of Canada. It's an awesome and extremely addictive game, highly recommendable.

I know it doesn't fit the description because it's in real time, but trust me, it feels more like TBS

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Soriku said:
No SRPG? Go with my suggestion of Baten Kaitos then. I'd say it's story heavy (it is an RPG...), but the battle system and the rest of the gameplay is AWESOME. Not to mention the music.

He wants a Turn Based Strategy Game, why the hell are you pushing an RPG that doesn't even have great strategy mechanics?


There's the excelent Civilization IV, which already has 3 expansions out. The last expansion, Civilization IV: Colonization (released couple weeks ago) is actually a full game by itself (doesn't require the original Civ IV), has gotten great reviews and only costs $30.

There's also Galactic Civilizations 2, which rivals Civ IV in quality. You can buy it on Stardock's, which is pegged to rival Steam at some point.

@Zexen_lowe I'll try it out. If it plays like a TBS then I'll get it.

@deathcape There are a few differences, but I don't want to play Srpgs because 1 I already have a few Srpgs I have to finish, and 2 I don't feel like playing any games with too much text and story right now since I barely have any free time. After this month I will have plenty of free time to play as much as I like.

Here is what Wikipedia had to say about it:


Mainstream PC games

After a period of converting board and historic TBS games to computer games, companies began basing computer turn-based strategy games on completely original properties or concepts. The presence of a computer to calculate and arbitrate allows game complexity which is not feasible in a traditional board game.

Probably the best known turn-based game is Sid Meier's Civilization, which evolved into a long series of successor games and derivatives. Other examples include:

Indie PC games

A further market trend is the rise of "Indie" TBS games (games produced by small groups, independent or only somewhat affiliated with the major elements in the computer games industry). These games often extend or refine already existing TBS strategy games. Some examples of indie-developed games include:

Open-source PC games

Since turn-based strategy games do not typically require vast amounts of art or modeling,[citation needed] developers willing to volunteer their time can focus on gameplay. Directories like Freshmeat provide large lists of open-source, turn-based strategy projects. Some examples of open-source games include:

Browser-based games

Because they do not require users to install files and are often free, online browser-based games are becoming very popular. All that they require is any device with a web browser and internet connection. Many will work just as well on a PDA phone as they do on a desktop computer. Some examples of browser-based games:

Console and handheld games

AH!! Fire Emblem is in there! *tears of joy*

I love you my FE!!..

and..yes..I understand..FE can be REALLY text heavy at times.. ^^''

Here is a bigger list from Wikipedia: