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Forums - General Discussion - how long have you held in a pee?

What’s the longest you’ve held a pee(urine) for and why?

Me? well I gotta pee right now!!!!! (im at work and dont feel like walking to the toilets) but apart from that when I was young and over a mates place I was embarased about asking if I could use the toilet hehe, so I would hold it in all day, I was like that for a while haha

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

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Once I held it until it just went away. That can't be good for me.


If at first you don't succeed, you fail

One of the most "interesting" experiences of being a human is walking while trying to hold pee.

Choosing the speed you walk with is a delicate balancing act between minimizing the time to get to a toilet and reducing bladder vibration which only makes you feel more urgent. Have you had this experience?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I needed a piss about 20 minutes into The Departed. We were in a very packed screening. I didnt want to miss the film,or embarass myself by stumbling over 27 people to get out, so i held it in for the next 2 hours.


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I piss a soon as possible there is almost no feeling better the pissing

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NJ5 said:

One of the most "interesting" experiences of being a human is walking while trying to hold pee.

Choosing the speed you walk with is a delicate balancing act between minimizing the time to get to a toilet and reducing bladder vibration which only makes you feel more urgent. Have you had this experience?



 isnt it interesting that the hight of the 'needing to pee' experience comes within secconds of actually peeing but an instant relief occurs the split seccond before you actually pee. (its playing minds tricks with us!)

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

One thing you should NEVER do while peeing after holding it in too long - stop mid-stream.
It's like getting a lump of hot coal shoved down your undies.

Well, since i have a thing against peeing in public urinals, my bladder is pretty well-trained in holding it back.
My personal record is something like 4-5 hours during a bus journey, after which i was in pretty awful shape

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

SnowWhitesDrug said:
NJ5 said:

One of the most "interesting" experiences of being a human is walking while trying to hold pee.

Choosing the speed you walk with is a delicate balancing act between minimizing the time to get to a toilet and reducing bladder vibration which only makes you feel more urgent. Have you had this experience?



 isnt it interesting that the hight of the 'needing to pee' experience comes within secconds of actually peeing but an instant relief occurs the split seccond before you actually pee. (its playing minds tricks with us!)

Yea I know right, but one thing that truely sucks is if you have to sneeze in mid-piss.  God that hurts but it's also pretty funny cuz of how it almost spits out after that sneeze-pause.