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Forums - Sony Discussion - not even 20 PSP gamers ???

yeah..I got that Dharh..I just thought it was funny how PS3 was winning while DS and Wii should..

and I get attacked..i.i

^^'' I mean..I never said that playing the ps3 is wrong...I just said the winners are actually DS and Wii..not ps3 or psp or 360..

yet I get attacked all over.. >_>

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Up to 22 now :)

PSP is my only current platform. I wanted more depth than the gameboy line offered and the screen on the GBA was absoutley horrible. Gave away my trusty GBC and all of its games and got a launch week PSP. played like crazy for 6 months. Then a big lull. TUmbleweeds. Then got the emulators and custom firmware. Then, finally, some new games came out Project 8, FFVII:CC (awesome, 60+ hours on that one!) and now happy with Jeanne D'arc. Hope the trend keeps going....

Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'