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Forums - Sony Discussion - If Gears of war 3 comes to ps3 will the first to also follow?

WHy would you even make this thred?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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Yeah it's not happening, Gears will basically never come to the PS3 (at least this trilogy, later games set in that world, who knows), but in the event that Gears 3 somehow makes an appearance on the PS3, then the exclusivity agreement between MS and Epic would ensure 1 and 2 don't make it there.

I'm pretty sure that exclusivity deal covers 3 games (i.e trilogy) so they'd all fall under that umbrella.

Gears is the only game on the 360 that I wld like to play on my ps3. Maybe it will come to the ps3. Who knows?

CGI-Quality said:
@ Hawk

uuuhh that's because Sega is now making games for EVERYONE. And beyond that Nintendo now owns Sega so that part of your post is irrelevant.

Nintendo owns Sega now?  I missed that.  I'll have to look that up.

You gave no reason to discredit my saying something that is wildly unimaginable today, could end up happening tomorrow.  Or that Sonic ending up on a Nintendo console fits that completely.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

wat if gears 3 comes to ps3.... arhh no its not gonna happen!! WAIT, wat? just theoretically? okay i will try to imagine...

**imagining** if gears 3 comes to ps3, wat will happen to the Gears 1 and.... ARHHH no I STILL CANT IMAGINE TAT!!! Stop it!!! M$ is too powerful!

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Hawk

Ok what relevance does Sonic being on a Nintendo console have to do with Gears 3 being on PS3? They are two completely different cases. Remember Sonic was exclusive on Sega systems before Sega decided to just develop software. Gears 1 & 2 are only console exclusives due to M$ publishing rights NOT OWNERSHIP. Epic owns Gears. Sonic is Sega's character and, when Sega was developing systems could anyone else publish or put Sonic on a Nintendo console or a Sony console - yup you guessed it: Uuuhh no. Sega now develops MULTIPLATFORM. How are these cases the same, please elaborate.

Uhm, exactly.  Who would've thought it could happen.

EDIT:  Hehe, and ok.  You had me all wondering how I missed big news like Nintendo buying Sega.  I was all trying to find any news on it.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

my opinion is that its about 10x more likely than ff13 was for 360 at the beginning:

1)its on a multiplatform engine
2)epic likes sony (the whole ut3 deal)
3)gears is owned by epic and has a limited exclusivity deal
4)the revenue vs cost ratio will only be worth it if ms pays a crapload
5)they could probably make money off selling the first two to ps3 owners

it might just be me, but, except for 5, this sounds just like ff13. so lets compare:

1)its on a multiplatform engine
2)se likes ms (ms published a few of their games)
3)final fantasy is owned by se and had a limited exclusivity deal
4)the revenue vs cost ratio will only be worth it if sony payed a crapload
5)they made money off selling a game to 360 owners

notice only a few changes, mostly just ff exclusivity is gone and its se instead of epic?

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.


I feel that there is a good chance that GoW3 will go multiplatform. Even in a issue of GamePro the topic was mentioned and now their is a 50/50 chance of a multiplatform GoW3

y are there so many people saying that its 'NOT POSSIBLE' when the third game can go anywhere? i should have just done what stof said and wrote "If a future iteration of a story dependent game shifts consoles, what is the likely hood that previous iterations might find themselves ported as well for the sake of a coherent story"

Sorry 360 fans who have gotten upset by this. i just used gears as an example as its a very good game

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