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Forums - Sony Discussion - User creates working engine on Little Big Planet.

This is pretty awesome. I was already excited for this game, but stuff likes this has my hype meter going up. Seems there is way more potential to the design side of it then I thought. Can't wait to see what pops up down the line when people get really creative.


If this has been posted before, feel free to delete thread, I didn't see it.

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Wow, my favorite creation to date. The PS3 seriously needs a price drop so that I can actually buy this game.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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It's all about the physics!

This is cool, too (though non-physics related):

oh my god, that looked so awesome!

WessleWoggle said:
makingmusic476 said:
It's all about the physics!

This is cool, too (though non-physics related):

What was that supposed to be?


lol, that was my initial reaction. Then I realised (after what felt like 15 minutes) that the notes were playing as the block went by...

Around the Network

They used the blocks to create the main theme from FFX. :P

its nice to know that if I didn't mute the volume. because i was scratching my head off thinking.. wtf is this? haha

makingmusic476 said:
It's all about the physics!

This is cool, too (though non-physics related):


That is F*kn awesome! I wonder if you could  have something rolling in the background as you play? That is hidden.

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil


That's so awesome.

finalsquall said:
makingmusic476 said:
It's all about the physics!

This is cool, too (though non-physics related):


That is F*kn awesome! I wonder if you could  have something rolling in the background as you play? That is hidden.


It's possible, I suppose, but it would take up two of your three available planes.

Though I suppose you could have a car or something going ABOVE the speakers, on the same plane.