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Forums - Sony Discussion - how much as the ps3 lost sony as of today

cwbys21 said:
The division as a hole last 3 billion as mentioned. the ps3 more because of psp and ps2 being pure profit. The reason people said less than the xbox is because the division the xbox is in lost 3 billion and microsoft padded that division with other things as well so it is hard to tell how much either console lost. Also, it is unlikely that the playstation division will lose money again any time soon since SOE is now part of the division and they got both Everquests still going and they will both get an expansion this fall, so easy profits.

SOE probably makes some millions, but that's not going to change alot.


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as much as you can possibly imagine

with all the mmos soe runs I'm sure they make easily 100 million in profit, and that would be a low end guess. And with the playstation division counting pennies that makes a difference.