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Forums - Sales Discussion - Biggest Flop of Last Generation

Commando said:
N*gage. I think the marketing alone was more than sales revenues.


I loved my Ngage... it was t'awsome and the Splinter Cell game was really good.

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^ well I was refferring to sales and profit.

I did not mean to speak on it's play and enjoyability. It's cool that you love it.
I still love my Virtual Boy (/cry I want more games for it).

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

mike_intellivision said:
The N-Gage was a running joke -- while it was being sold.

It also, unlike some of the newer multi-purpose units, sold as a gaming machine first (at least at Gamestop).

(This is unlike Apple, which is trying to sell the gaming features of its music player and phone units).

Mike from Morgantown

I can attest to that.  Back on GameFAQs, whenever anybody talked about any unfortunate experience they had with anything, "You bought an N-Gage, didn't you?" was the stock answer.


Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition

^ Oh my god, Don't kill him!!!!

sorry it was too tempting.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

The Bouncer! Ahhh, god that game was terrible.

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Everything except the PS2 and GBA... really... compaired to those two everything else was pathetic. This gens flow is Wiipoint... err DSi points... ummm... yeah... ;-p