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Forums - Sony Discussion - If Sony would make game similar to Super Smash Bros ,who would you pick?

Dick Dastardly =]

you guys have way too much ff gays in that list

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Looking at these lists makes me wonder. How much do you think it would cost sony to gain permission to use all there 3rd party characters in a Smash Brothers like fighting game.


"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

dib8rman said:
This isn't a happy place is it?

I have hot feet but I'm gonna do some skating on the ice.

The OP's question is basically; "Would Super Smash Bro's Brawl sell on the PS3 with Sony characters." That goes back to the old question of "Would Nintendo products sell if they went the way of Sega (software only)." But staying on track, my point of view on a game like that and it's effects: Well firstly the third parties have made it clear (The big ones) that for the majority they would of loved if their characters had appeared in Brawl but it was mostly a Nintendo decision not to ask. So I see a Sony version of the game as ethically annoying as it would be to me being very succesful as far as acquiring a recognizable line-up. 3rd party support or not.

As far as the meta-game goes, and it's effect on business... the game would sell but knowing Sony they would add elements that appeal to their core demographic making the game "better" than Smash Bro's Brawl, it's what they have always done with their stolen ideas. ^_^





Take my love, take my land..

As things stand only Nintendo and Sega have the mascot power to release a game of Super smash bros brawl calibur..............

Super sony bros brawl starring.......... erm........ ermmmmmmmmmmm

oh yeah

Nathan hale and erm........... ermmmmmmmmmmmmm

Microsoft mega brawl starring erm.......... ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Master chief
Joanna dark and erm....... ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sega smash bros starring...... now this is more like it

Ryo hazuki (Shenmue)
Lan Di (Shenmue)
Axel and blaze from streets of rage
Akira and Sarah (Virtua fighter)
Tyris flare (amazon woman from golden axe)
Any Jet set radio character
Ulala (Space channel 5)
Joe Musashi (Shinobi)
Janet (Virtua cop)
Centurion and his many forms..... wolf, bear ect (Altered beast)

And many more........... Wow, In fact, looking at it , Why the Hell aint Sega done a brawl type game?

Kratos, would that even be fair? He's the God of War!

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The skeleton guy from medievil = Sir Daniel Fortesque :P. Look at my avatar.

His special attack would be????? Uhm.... Gattling gun like the on in medievil 2 perhaps?

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

sac boy



Edit: MY GOD! i forgot Kratos!


PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

blasto, musashi, alucard from castlevania:sotn

chocobo, crash, aya brea

Gex, Sir Dan, sackboy

Abe, parappa, spyro

Gon(made appearance in tekken), mokujin, tomba

Lenneth, Clour, cactuar

ratchet and clank, lara croft, locoroco blob

these are franchises that were created by or owned by sony:

some of these characters would probably be more suitable...


Is it just me, or would this game absolutely destroy SSB. A fullout 4 on 4 bout between Nariko, Kratos, Cloud Strife, Tifa, Nathan Hale, Solid Snake, Dante and Jin Kazama.

they should release one. i would buy it.