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Forums - General Discussion - Karzai to Bush: "Afghanistan will remember you...with affection,"

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Friday thanked US President George W. Bush for freeing his country from the Taliban for improving the quality of life -- and for weathering bouts of yelling.

"I have yelled at times, I've been angry at times, but you've always been smiling and generous, and that's so nice of you," Karzai told his host at the White House, thanking him for "your patience with me and some of our habits."

The US president, who laughed in response, said "no question it's difficult" to stabilize and rebuild Afghanistan, but emphasized that he saw much "progress and promise and hope" for the strife-torn country.

Karzai noted that Bush leaves office in January, and told him that Afghans grateful for the 2001 US-led toppling of the Taliban Islamist regime will remember his fondly -- and invited him to come see for himself.

"My trip this time to Washington, as I insisted to be here with you, is for one reason alone, and that is to thank you -- and through you the American people -- for all that you have done for Afghanistan," said Karzai.

"I would like you to remember, as you leave office, that Afghanistan will remember you tremendously nicely, with affection," he added. "Come and visit us so we can show it to you in a manner that we do traditionally in Afghanistan."

The two leaders, surrounded by top military and diplomatic aides, spoke after a secure videoconference with US commanders, regional governors, and "provincial reconstruction teams" in Afghanistan.

"This is a central part of a counterinsurgency strategy which combines economic development, education, infrastructure, with security, all aimed to help this young democracy not only survive but to thrive, so it never becomes a safe haven for those who would do us harm again," said Bush.

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no one else will

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Yay! Now the Afghans can produce heroin again!

Like many an abandoned spouse, Afghanistan doesn't mind that they were left in the lurch for that exciting new Iraq.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

that's cool.