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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

Off course it exists, your hard drive is full of that shit as I to my horror acidentaliy discoverd.

Sadly some things one can never unsee and now I am scarred for life.

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Hello, Haze?

Anyways, I'll stand by gears on this, sorry.

You are comparing Haze with R2?

Gears2 will probably own Resistance again this year, the first resistance didn't even compare to gears1 in term of graphics and the whole experience in Resistance was like a generic shooter, I didn't like it.
Not to say that Resistance2 won't be better then what it was, just saying that gears is not in the same league as Resistance and it never was from the beginning. When I play Resistance its like playing an old Medal of Honor game with some aliens instead of germans.

My favorite games for this gen:

1. Gears of War    2. MGS4    3. Killzone 2   4. Halo 3(Underated by many)      5. Mass Effect

SolidSnitch said:
Gears2 will probably own Resistance again this year, the first resistance didn't even compare to gears1 in term of graphics and the whole experience in Resistance was like a generic shooter, I didn't like it.
Not to say that Resistance2 won't be better then what it was, just saying that gears is not in the same league as Resistance and it never was from the beginning. When I play Resistance its like playing an old Medal of Honor game with some aliens instead of germans.



You signed up just to say that huh? Well... I hope you're happy... a lot of people on the internet now think you're stupid. HI FivE!

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

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It's not really fair to compare the two games, because they're very different in style -- Gears is more of a third-person, tactical shooter with moments of frenetic action, whereas R2 is more of a FPS, over-the-field shooter where you have to face off against masses of enemies. Judging from the trailers, both design teams did the right thing, and concentrated the eye candy on where it is most needed -- Gears has stylish textures, and R2 has that incredible sense of scale.

That said, BluRay is starting to make a difference in game production - R2 really is almost three games in one, whereas Gears does have to deal with the limits of DVD storage. Still, both should be wicked good fun, and that's all that matters.

Fishie said:
I think Twesterm owes me an apology


I still don't see any interviews or even know what website you're from. 

I remember Konni messaging me about something many moons ago but, yeah, long time ago.

twesterm said:
Fishie said:
I think Twesterm owes me an apology


I still don't see any interviews or even know what website you're from. 

I remember Konni messaging me about something many moons ago but, yeah, long time ago.


Check that.


Also, was I right or was I right on WSeptember 29th?


Fishie said:
twesterm said:
Fishie said:
I think Twesterm owes me an apology


I still don't see any interviews or even know what website you're from. 

I remember Konni messaging me about something many moons ago but, yeah, long time ago.


Check that.


Also, was I right or was I right on WSeptember 29th?



I see something about VF5, I've hated that game since the beginning.  Don't see any new Gears 2 stuff (though I am fairly blind), didn't bother looking for R2 stuff since I don't really care about it too much.  :-/


And I believe you about the site, just trying to find the Gears info on it.

OK people I've played the R2 beta and one thing I can say is the gameplay sucks. So what if a game looks good, if gameplay sucks then the prettiest graphics are a waste.