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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

selnor said:
SnakeEyez said:
selnor said:
Griffin said:
Far Cry2 looks like shit next to any of the current shooters, so can you people stop talking about that game like its some sort of graphics beast.

This is a joke right???

Fanboyism is one thing but when it is as blantant as FC2>>>>>>>>>>>>(KZ2,Gears2 and R2) it ends up being seriously stupid times on VGchartz.

Not only does FC2 look better in stills, but when you watch the very latest footage from FDJV from both R2 and FC2 it becomes so apparant how much better the FC2 engine is. Not only is it photorealistic Africa, but it has real fire physics and particle effects. They have been posted go and watch. The engine as a whole takes incredible amounts of CPU raw power.



People, Selnor is right FC2 does indeed look better than R2 and Gears 2. Im not putting KZ2 in there (yet) cuz the game still has a lot of time that can make the game look better but if it were to ship as is, then yes FC2 does  have a slight graphical edge to KZ2. With that said, Selnor, it's not all about the graphics. Yes I know, we're in a thread about how "OMGZ R2 GRAFIX!!! TEH BOMBZORS!!" and all, but for some odd reason, watching the FC2 clips (and I've seen ALOT), I'm just not anticipating it's release. IDK, maybe it's the open world aspect to the game but it doesn't look anything special to me.

Since u know and seen so much about FC2, are there any videos that u would recommend that can help me change my mind? Cuz I'd seriously would like to show off my HDTV with this game.


 It's wierd because it's only been the last 2 months that Ive been looking closely at FC2. If you go over to my thread in the Gaming section about new FC2 and R2 vids, they are pretty awesome.


If you dont like openworlds then I dont think honestly that it'll change you. If you like linear straight pathed games, this wont be your thing. However it's not just the graphics that make this game stand out. The fire actually behaves in such a way that for the first time I believe it adds strategy. Full night and day cycles affect the play as does the incredible physics engine. This game seems to be the full package. I love Halo 3, but I'm betting FC2 is the best FPS this gen for a while on consoles. Also the map editor is insane.



 I'm really excited for all the aspects of FC2 that Selnor mentioned. Hell I'd like to build a new gaming PC to see it in its full glory but I'm broke right now.  The only real negative aspect I see is is the uninsdpired enemy AI and run and gun gameplay. The game is beautiful. Prettier than Gears, R2, and makes Crysis visuals look borring IMO. I hope they liscense the engine. It would be nice to see more non-unreal engine games especially without loading times. Mass Effect 2 on this engine would thrill me to death.  

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Wow, I had not seen those vids. The game is a technical marvel, and the fire physics on the videos u posted in the other thread is a sight to see. This game looks insane, I'll give it a try and rent it, hopefully they have a demo up on PSN.

CAL4M1TY said:

I'm quoting this post because I think people should see it, clearly Gears 2 has more going on in terms of graphics (textures etc).

Resistance 2 is goregous as well, such a big improvement since the last I saw of in-game (footage 3 months ago). Still Gears 2 is better, especially in the detail on character models.

Also TalkingParrot, lighting effects was a big no-no as a "advantage" of Resistance, the only really lighting effects are shadows and sheen, which we've seen in many games thus far. Still brilliant looking. But look at the first of the new screenshots of Gears (new being not posted in OP), light breaks through the smoke and there is a bit of glare because the camera hits the suns light directly (one of the R2 shots shows that aswell, but not the light breaking the smoke).

Honestly, I won't call it yet, but based on what we've seen, Gears 2 as of right now. Wait until both drop before you start these stupid threads.


You are talking about God rays. And Resistance 2 has them:

Resistance 2 also has volumetric fog:
In case you don't know, that smoke in the Gears of War screenshot are just 2D sprites. As is the smoke from the grenade explosions in the Resistance 2 video. But the fog is volumetric.

But I do agree that Gears of War 2 has the upper hand in terms of textures and overall graphical polish. Some things in Resistance 2 look sort of bland, while everything in Gears of War 2 looks fantastic. Still, I'd be hard pressed about which one has superior graphics technology, and not superior art (Gears of War 2).

bobobologna said:
CAL4M1TY said:

I'm quoting this post because I think people should see it, clearly Gears 2 has more going on in terms of graphics (textures etc).

Resistance 2 is goregous as well, such a big improvement since the last I saw of in-game (footage 3 months ago). Still Gears 2 is better, especially in the detail on character models.

Also TalkingParrot, lighting effects was a big no-no as a "advantage" of Resistance, the only really lighting effects are shadows and sheen, which we've seen in many games thus far. Still brilliant looking. But look at the first of the new screenshots of Gears (new being not posted in OP), light breaks through the smoke and there is a bit of glare because the camera hits the suns light directly (one of the R2 shots shows that aswell, but not the light breaking the smoke).

Honestly, I won't call it yet, but based on what we've seen, Gears 2 as of right now. Wait until both drop before you start these stupid threads.


You are talking about God rays. And Resistance 2 has them:

Resistance 2 also has volumetric fog:
In case you don't know, that smoke in the Gears of War screenshot are just 2D sprites. As is the smoke from the grenade explosions in the Resistance 2 video. But the fog is volumetric.

But I do agree that Gears of War 2 has the upper hand in terms of textures and overall graphical polish. Some things in Resistance 2 look sort of bland, while everything in Gears of War 2 looks fantastic. Still, I'd be hard pressed about which one has superior graphics technology, and not superior art (Gears of War 2).


pssst...I lost interest in this thread long ago and only clicked it by accident but you do know volumetric fog is just, as you call it, 2D sprites. It's something that has been around for quite a while, UT2k4 even, and isn't something all that special.

I usually avoid threads like these, but I couldn't think of another place to post a gif so awesome.

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^ Is that ketchup and then water coming out of the guy? It's awfully shiny/transparent! o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

I think Twesterm owes me an apology

twesterm said:
Fishie said:
twesterm said:
Fishie said:
twesterm said:
Fishie said:
DMeisterJ said:
The lighting is fantastic.

It does look better than Gears.

I wonder why we haven't heard much of Gears as of late, I assume it's still under embargo.


My Gears 2 NDA ends the 29th. Resistance 2 on October second.


Yeah, we'll really hold our breath for your impressions.  I'm sure they won't look exactly like IGN's hands on.


 What the hell is that supposed to mean?


Me seeing too many people that pretend to be journalists or focus testers to try to win arguments.

I wouldn't take it too personally since I believe almost nothing people say on forums until given a good reason to trust them.  Hell, I wouldn't even believe half the things I say if I wasn't me.


Me and Blezinski, that good enough for ya?



It would if I knew what you looked like.  I've also happened to have seen many people post fake photos of themselves (though they are usually pretending to be hot girls).

Like I said, I wouldn't take it too personally since I assume just about everyone on the internet is fake.  I'm a random person on the internet and kind of an ass so I'm nobody you should worry about. 

Sorry for the bump but I want to help my mate:

Fishie is a real freelancer.  I think I even PM'ed you Twesterm abou him.  Didn't ya guys changed mobile number or something.

I don't know if this will help but this is me and Fishie:

You easily see it is him on the Cliffy B picture and the picture I just put up.  

On topic:  I think both look great and I like both styles.  Only it is strange to see people with headsets in the Resistance trailers when the game is in 1950 oh well..

I don't really care about graphics;.like I said before I was a graphicwhore I would be wanking myself to death on Crysis screenshots.


Isnt that what you do anyway over German pee porn?

Nop..I am more into two guys wearing toilet seats around their neck sitting in a wheelchair porn. Sounds crazy but it sure will exist!