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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

would it be possible to get the list and have all the games that have trophies instead of just the ones that have been platted?

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Draven26 said:
would it be possible to get the list and have all the games that have trophies instead of just the ones that have been platted?

it would be hard to give a star number to some of those games noone in the league has platted...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

HideoK said:

Sounds like the NBA2K manager wasn't going to sign you up after the first camp anyway no matter how well you played. Might be a scripted event to get a 10 day contract from another team first to work your way up the ranks to a NBA superstar.

Also, regarding Tekken 6, I gotta say I'm overall disappointed. The only positive is the 1v1 versus fighting engine is actually improved upon for arcade modes since the last time I played Tekken DR. Finally beat 10 people in a row on survivor mode too for the trophy which was very satisfying after losing on #8, #9, and #10 a bunch of times. Made it to #15 the final time. My main disappointment though comes with the Tekken scenario campaign mode where practically all of the trophies are based. What was Namco thinking when they designed this archaic story mode and made it the games main focus with trophies. While I think its better this way for my chances for platinum than getting all 10-hit combos or 1000 online ranked wins I would rather have more 1v1 versus trophies and a more reasonable 100 online ranked wins. Hopefully, I'll team up for online co-op with a friend to make the scenario campaign mode more enjoyable.

You can survive training camp, it's just incredibly rare( at least based on what I read on forums) and you only get one shot at it per player...

Basically if I want another attempt I have to create another guy, beat summer circuit again  and join training camp with him..



Anyway going to take a break from My player mode until the patch is live ( I want to be able to play more realistic games now I am in the NBA so that my stats are more in line with others players) and try to get some of those silver trophies for reaching some milestones with key existing NBA stars...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Edit: Whoops

MasterVG71782 said:
Damn, that sucks getrdone. I remember having problems with games that almost made me break controllers in the past. I remember this one time when I was close to beating the final boss in Legend of Dragoon on PS1. I finally manage to beat him and get ready to sit back to watch the ending. The only problem was my disc skipped and it skipped like most of the ending. I wasn't going to fight the boss again, either, since it takes like 45-60 minutes to beat it...

Dude... Legend of Dragoon... I barely remember that game, but I also remember the boss taking forever.  In fact, I think I somehow died for some silly reason about 40 minutes in and didn't pick up the game again because I was so annoyed.

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I got the final boss in Legend of Dragoon on first try. It wasn't that long. It was kinda easy, though. I liked the ending and game overall.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


Brand new slim 120gb with fifa 10, my girlfriend is too fucking much.

How do you manage to have time for your GF aswell as 30 plats?!?!?!?

FootballFan said:
How do you manage to have time for your GF aswell as 30 plats?!?!?!?

Good question.  If I didn't have a girlfriend, I might have 30 plats...

If I had more time to play games, I'd definitely have 30+ plats, I would think. I know Cross Edge wouldn't have taken as long as it did, plus I probably would've finished some other games in my backlog (Resistance 2 comes to mind; I know I don't feel like playing it any time soon).