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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League


@kylie - I didnt know that. Thanks.

@Tbone and Ail - Im one of those who probably wouldnt have the plat after 300hs.

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7 playthroughs is nothing, as from the trophy descriptions, Atelier Rorona will probably require 14 playthroughs.

^What game is that?

mattbfg said:
@hideok is marvel alliance any good and is it co-op of some sort as my little boy loves all the super hero stuff

I definitely had fun with Marvel Ulimate Alliance 2. The story and voice acting are sometimes weak, but the (4 player local/online) co-op makes the game much more enjoyable. I played it with 2 friends online. If you son likes super hero stuff he will probably dig this game.

New Modern Warfare 2 video:

Nothing about multiplayer. But its great anyway. So, DC is attacked and you have to fight on US soil. Interesting.

They are definetely trying to up the stakes.

Cant wait to play it.

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Jboy0990 said:
I'm sorry but 7 play thrus is ridiculous.. I don't think I'll put that many hours of playtime unless it has great online play and i get addicted

I already said it but I will again.

The difficulty isn't the 7 playthrough. It's doing the stuff on Master Ninja difficulty.

The last chapter in KZ2 on elite difficulty is child's play compared to Master Ninja ( and I am not kidding lol)...........

PS : going to need a partner I think for some of the ultimate ninja team missions. I know how to beat easilly the last 2 against the Ryu clones but the AI as my partner ain't gonna cut it ( izuna drop from a Ryu clone = one shot lol).

The team missions are however relatively easy if you partner Rachel with someone good at Ryu. You can play so that the enemies will focus on Ryu and Rachel can UT them all day long...Issue is finding someone that can dodge the 2 Ryu clones for 1-2 minutes....

Otherwise I took 12 hours to clear path of warrior mode ( normal) and after beating 5 chapters in mentor ( hard mode) I noticed my skills are starting to improve finally. Seeing how I do in chapter challenge I could probably clear path of the warrior in 5 hours or so now... I am struggling in mentor but I can see my skills improving, especially as I found a weapon that I am comfortable with to do Izuna drop ( falcons talons).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
Jboy0990 said:
I'm sorry but 7 play thrus is ridiculous.. I don't think I'll put that many hours of playtime unless it has great online play and i get addicted

I already said it but I will again.

The difficulty isn't the 7 playthrough. It's doing the stuff on Master Ninja difficulty.

The last chapter in KZ2 on elite difficulty is child's play compared to Master Ninja ( and I am not kidding lol)...........

PS : going to need a partner I think for some of the ultimate ninja team missions. I know how to beat easilly the last 2 against the Ryu clones but the AI as my partner ain't gonna cut it ( izuna drop from a Ryu clone = one shot lol).

The team missions are however relatively easy if you partner Rachel with someone good at Ryu. You can play so that the enemies will focus on Ryu and Rachel can UT them all day long...Issue is finding someone that can dodge the 2 Ryu clones for 1-2 minutes....

Otherwise I took 12 hours to clear path of warrior mode ( normal) and after beating 5 chapters in mentor ( hard mode) I noticed my skills are starting to improve finally. Seeing how I do in chapter challenge I could probably clear path of the warrior in 5 hours or so now... I am struggling in mentor but I can see my skills improving, especially as I found a weapon that I am comfortable with to do Izuna drop ( falcons talons).

Pfft, and here I thought you just bought the game so you could make their boobs jiggle...

fadetoone said:
Ail said:
Jboy0990 said:
I'm sorry but 7 play thrus is ridiculous.. I don't think I'll put that many hours of playtime unless it has great online play and i get addicted

I already said it but I will again.

The difficulty isn't the 7 playthrough. It's doing the stuff on Master Ninja difficulty.

The last chapter in KZ2 on elite difficulty is child's play compared to Master Ninja ( and I am not kidding lol)...........

PS : going to need a partner I think for some of the ultimate ninja team missions. I know how to beat easilly the last 2 against the Ryu clones but the AI as my partner ain't gonna cut it ( izuna drop from a Ryu clone = one shot lol).

The team missions are however relatively easy if you partner Rachel with someone good at Ryu. You can play so that the enemies will focus on Ryu and Rachel can UT them all day long...Issue is finding someone that can dodge the 2 Ryu clones for 1-2 minutes....

Otherwise I took 12 hours to clear path of warrior mode ( normal) and after beating 5 chapters in mentor ( hard mode) I noticed my skills are starting to improve finally. Seeing how I do in chapter challenge I could probably clear path of the warrior in 5 hours or so now... I am struggling in mentor but I can see my skills improving, especially as I found a weapon that I am comfortable with to do Izuna drop ( falcons talons).

Pfft, and here I thought you just bought the game so you could make their boobs jiggle...

Eh eh I got totally destroyed by boss at the end of chapter 6 on path of warrior but I have found a strategy to destroy him and only got hit once while killing him on Path of the mentor ! immunity frames ftw ! Bet if I tried again i could easilly kill him without getting hit...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

My trophy collecting here lately has been slow.. Been too caught up in school and stuff. I'll be sure to get back in it here in a few weeks when U2 comes out. Plus Fallout 3 has been keepin me busy.


I actually doubt i will plat the game, like Ail said Ninja gaiden is known for being one of the most difficult games ever, not many people will be able to plat this one. The game is far more difficult than any game u have played.

Talking about playthroughs, 7 times is nothing. Final fantasy 7 which is my favorite game i beat it atleast 20 times, first time it took me 85 hours