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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

ye, pretty much. But sometimes when enemies are using cover you can:

A: Hit the wall to the back of them.
B: Hit the floor to the side of their cover.
C: Not waste having to swap your M4 for an RPG and just use a grenade.

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Well, since my modus operandi is to rush, rush and then rush, I end up dying. A LOT.

So like I get 20 kills for example but I die like 15-17 times. lol

I would love to see my k/d in Uncharted 2 but its not everything so what is your guys rank at? Mine is currently at 25

I wish my stats would carry over to the full version & i need to stop playing it because i'll get so high & play so much i don't to get burnt out before the game even releases :/

Wow i just played Super Stardust HD for the first time since like January.. That game is hard lol
For the 10x multiplier trophy do i have to beat every level without dying?

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@Jboy Pretty much i got it just before the final boss on the last planet but i didn't destroy every asteroid i could of though & while i was doing that i got the 5 shield trophy as well

@Kylie Luckily for me i've never played a match of plunder or chain reaction without friends so i always have someone to communicate with while playing

@Jboy Pretty much i got it just before the final boss on the last planet but i didn't destroy every asteroid i could of though & while i was doing that i got the 5 shield trophy as well

@Kylie Luckily for me i've never played a match of plunder or chain reaction without friends so i always have someone to communicate with while playing

Ugh thats gonna be hard !

@Jboy Not really after you've played every planet again to refresh your memory you should get it your first try that's what i did & another reason why i didn't get 10x sooner was that i only used the gold weapon because i could spin it around me for 360 protection but using the right weapon for the job nets you more points

@jboy u should get that 10x trophy easy enough now getting the 15 bomb trophy thats a horrible challenge :(

@hideok is marvel alliance any good and is it co-op of some sort as my little boy loves all the super hero stuff

so many games and so little time to play all of them and iv just bought fifa 10 and red faction to add to my growing collection.
apart from the usual big hitters everyone wants,what other games you guys looking forward to? for me its flashpoint 2

KylieDog said:
I'm rank 26. I would be higher but the last 2 days it takes forever to find a game so I usually play something else.

I quit a lot too if my teammates drop, with so few people losing someone is a huge blow and it just ends up a really hard fight with a lot of deaths and will probably end up losing anyway. Seems like a waste of time sticking about unless the remaining teammates are good players (usually are not).

I usually quit if Chain Reaction is voted also. I hate that mode, I got a video of me winning in about 40 seconds. Damn matching and loading into game took 4 times longer than that.

YEs. I hate it too. You spend a bunch of time waiting for it to be all over in a minute. Its ridiculous.