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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

MasterVG71782 said:
Thanks for the hard work, Arcturus! I moved up one spot to #12! I hope I will someday get to at least #10, although that's not my goal for now (getting the plat for Cross Edge is my goal).

On another note, I hate when Gamefly doesn't pick the next game to send out, which is weird considering 6 of the top 10 games in my Q are of "High" availability.

What i don't understand is, i sent Wanted back Friday. They have yet to receive it?

It used to be like a day then they got it then sent the next that same day and it was here after 2 days? Now its taking weeks?

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Hey if anyone is waiting for the first Fallout 3 DLC here is some good news. Go to this website . They will only put this on there if it will be on the next two updates. So thats some good news and ABOUT f#%* TIME.




Games That i have Platinum: Terminator Salvation, The Godfather 2, Burnout Paradise, Fallout 3, Call of duty WAW, Resident Evil 5, The Lord of the Rings Conquest and Harry Pothead and the Half Blood Prince.




KylieDog said:
The GOTY edition releases the 16th of next month. If these DLC are £6 then it works out the same as buying the GOTY edition to get them all, except you get to have it on disk. Probably don't need wait multiple weeks for all the DLC to release either.

Ya the GOTY is being released on the 16th but think of this. If you are tite on cash the GOTY is i think 59.99 or 69.99 i could be wrong. but the 5 DLC are i beleave to be 9.99 each so thats 50 bones. im going to wait for all of the DLC to come out.




Games That i have Platinum: Terminator Salvation, The Godfather 2, Burnout Paradise, Fallout 3, Call of duty WAW, Resident Evil 5, The Lord of the Rings Conquest and Harry Pothead and the Half Blood Prince.




Jboy0990 said:
Here's a Madden story for ya Ail
I was playing my second game online(whooped the first guy 21-6) and i was playing the Browns. Well this guy's tactic was wildcat formation run with quarterback(Josh Cribbs) and usually when people do this it means they are scared to pass it. Well he was winning 14-3 in the 4th i drove down the field and scored and went for 2 to make it 14-11(down just by 3 so a field goal could tie) Well he failed on his next drive and i got the ball back and slowly went down the field and scored with a minute left 14-18. He was trying the same stuff and finally started doing short passes t get to the 12 yard line with 12 seconds left. He throws it to the endzone... Interception on the 1 yard line with 3 seconds left haha. probably one of my closest Madden games played now i am 2-0 Woo!!

Nice one :p

Still doesn't beat my superbowl win on the last play on the game on a 70 yards tipped pass :P

Almost like the Broncos TD this week end against the Bengal except in my case the pass was to Marshal, a defender tipped it and Marshal still caught it :P

I haven't played online otherwise, the CPU is enough of an opponent for me... My understanding however is that you will meet a lot of players exploiting the passes to the flats.( it's hard to counter except with a cover 2 or you have to control your best MLB and have him follow the opposing RB, because a CB ain't gonna tackle Adrian Peterson in the flats..)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Took a long time off playing now I'm back with a vengence. Good to have a brake now and then. Picked a hard game to get back into, tho, Mirror's Edge. Finally got 100%, now I can finally move on!

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

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Who's pumped for Uncharted 2!

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

@hanzo hey welcome back :) yeh im pumped for uncharted 2 and i no what you mean about breaks had mine two months ago and it was much needed as had game burnout lol

Jboy0990 said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Thanks for the hard work, Arcturus! I moved up one spot to #12! I hope I will someday get to at least #10, although that's not my goal for now (getting the plat for Cross Edge is my goal).

On another note, I hate when Gamefly doesn't pick the next game to send out, which is weird considering 6 of the top 10 games in my Q are of "High" availability.

What i don't understand is, i sent Wanted back Friday. They have yet to receive it?

It used to be like a day then they got it then sent the next that same day and it was here after 2 days? Now its taking weeks?

Yeah, what's weird was that they said they were trying out a new service where as soon as they got confirmation from the postal service that they got your game, then they would send the next game on your list. They did this once for me, then the service just disappeared. I'm guessing it just wasn't that good of an idea, in the end.

Congrats for reclaiming the top spot.

I've been taking it slow the last 2 months too. Need to save up my gaming energy for the onslaught of holiday releases. :)
After completing just Batman & Fat Princess, I started RE5 versus mode again working to get back up to 100%. I'm at 94%, just need team slayers and team survivors trophies. Also finally got all the Killzone 2 DLC trophies so I'm up to 88% and I 'only' need the Elite & top 1% gold trophies.

And I did pick up Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 yesterday. My impressions so far are mostly positive. The co-op fusions are really fun to pull off and as well as the first couple boss fights. The downsides are lackluster presentation during cutscenes. This is the first game I think I've played where the in game graphics are better than the cutscenes. Some voices are bad too, but luckily they don't speak often enough to become overly annoying. Lots of upgrades to get for every character and lots of re-playability to reach platinum. Keeping track of all of 276 co-op fusions will be difficult.

Also in case people are wondering about the save system for online co-op, I messed around with it for a while to figure out all of the details. I'll post that below in a few minutes.

the marvel ultimate alliance 2 online co-op save system works like this:

Each person works with their own save file which contains their overall stats/challenges, difficulty level, and last checkpoint reached on the map. In order to gain experience for your characters you have to play on the same difficulty as the person hosting. Otherwise you can only get collectibles.

All experience gained on the online hosts save file is shared among all characters. If you earn 1000 exp, each character in the party can use that experience. As a guest to the host any experience that I spend on the character I'm playing as will be added to only his save. In other words when you switch over to your save after leaving the co-op session that 1,000 experience will be carried over for you and you will have to spend it again on your characters stats for your save file.

*Edit: Also you can't join a co-op game with someone who is farther ahead then you and get stats and experience. Only collectibles will count here too. You can join a game with someone who is farther behind and get everything though.