I like the new format as well it's nice to see the platinums earned and specific games. great job!
I like the new format as well it's nice to see the platinums earned and specific games. great job!
Woooo finally got my first platinum! Going for the Uncharted one now :P
Platinums/100% Completion: Super Stardust HD, Linger In Shadows, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Burnout Paradise, Shaun White Snowboarding, Tomb Raider: Underworld, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator: Salvation, Assassin's Creed II, WipEout HD, Ratchet And Clank: A Crack In Time, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, God Of War, God of War II, God of War III, inFamous.
Working on: GTA IV - 87%, Batman: Arkham Asylum - 80%.
My opinion, it´s that only the... 10th, 15th, first people who won platinum in each game should appear. or the listfor games like uncharted or burnout will be huge.
not that be huge it´s a problem... it´s just an idea.
Maaaan Bethesda when are you gonna update the PS3 version with trophies... my copy is taking dust!
Anyway, I think Im gonna buy 3 or 2 games on Saturday. Im set on Res2, but I'll probably get disappointed by the story and I'll try to see if Mirror's edge is used if not I'll probably buy it new. Also considering (ugh...) alone in the dark as the third.
hmmm, fuck Winter is packed. I also got prince of persia, Sonic Unleashed & Midnight Club LA on my mind...
HideoK said: @Rukusa 1st to platinum for each game is a really cool idea too, but the global release dates do make that statistic a bit unfair. Plus, Arcturus, your job is hard enough as it is right? BTW, I think we should all chip in and donate a little to a PayPal account in his name. Help him get a new PS3 game for all the hard work he did running the league this year. Arcturus, do you have a PayPal account we can donate to if we choose? ![]() |
Following HideoK's suggestion, I've setup a PayPal account for anyone interested in donating a little bit. The last thing I want to do it solicit people for donations, so this will probably be the only mention of it from me. You can PM me to get the email address of my PayPal account. Thanks.
Well I haven't posted in a while but I'm still here...
Anyways, I'll probably will be getting a Platinum Trophy tonight and join the six platinum club. Getting Resistance 2 and COD- WAW tommorrow night so always on the hunt.
PS4/PS3/PC/3DS Owner (Will buy a Switch when mainline Pokemon game is released)
I don´t get it, you can only add 100 people in your friendslist, how do you get an update from all the people?
PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E
Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo
Hi Onna76, I maintain two PSN accounts (vgchartz and vgchartz1) which I use to collect everyone's trophy information.
*Looks at Yl_ksa's QOS platinum*
...now that I think about it... I actually remember playing with & against Yl_ksa
in Quantum of Solace MP.
lool @ rukusa, ya man i have spent alot of time online trying to get the multiplayer trophies and it was annoying cuz i cudnt find aot of ppl online but am finally done with it :D
i wont be playing ps3 for 2 weeks, we have a 2 weeks holiday here in our region and i will be on vacation, and once am bak i wil have alooot of catching up to do...right now i have my eyes set on COD5 platinum so hopefully one day...
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