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Man, Resident Evil 5 controls suck! I cant even run and change directions at the same time.

I hate the sluggish controls. Its a good game, but without those things it would be great.

Im playing it on Veteran so the difficulty is really high sometimes. Also, no ammo.

I will leave all the emblems and jewels when I run thorugh it in Amateur lol

PS - Another thing, the inventory system sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

How can a vest I am wearing count as one slot of the vest! O_o

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^ I didnt have a problem with that compared to the shooting. I was just pissed off that i couldnt shoot whilst moving. It was frustrating, i mean yes make it realy really inacurate if i move and shoot but at least make it possible!

Yeah i was used to the RE5 controls because RE4 was my favorite til 5 came out and i was already used to it
Also note i got WWE Legends of Wrestlemania today so hopefully it will be my 9th plat!

marciosmg said:
Man, Resident Evil 5 controls suck! I cant even run and change directions at the same time.

I hate the sluggish controls. Its a good game, but without those things it would be great.

Im playing it on Veteran so the difficulty is really high sometimes. Also, no ammo.

I will leave all the emblems and jewels when I run thorugh it in Amateur lol

PS - Another thing, the inventory system sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

How can a vest I am wearing count as one slot of the vest! O_o


 At first the controls suck but when u get used to it they work fine, started on Veteran should be difficult first time u need help.


I loved the controls too

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My 42 inch 2.5 years old HD TV just died on me...
Now it's only displaying bands of color...
I'm going to need to have it repaired and a tech is calling me on Wednesday, hopefully it won't cost more than a couple hundred bucks...

In the meantime I purchased a 32 inch 720p TV to keep me going, that TV will move to the bedroom once the nice one get fixed ( wife had been nagging me to get a TV in the bedroom..).

Still it sucks big time...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Damn that suck Ail

Damn, that sucks Ail.

I managed to snag a few more trophies on DWG2. I am missing parts for only 5 more Mobile Suits and I should be getting close to getting all characters available. The hardest ones, in my eyes, are going to be the Rank 4 parts and the one for completing all missions.

MasterVG71782 said:
Damn, that sucks Ail.

I managed to snag a few more trophies on DWG2. I am missing parts for only 5 more Mobile Suits and I should be getting close to getting all characters available. The hardest ones, in my eyes, are going to be the Rank 4 parts and the one for completing all missions.


 I'm making some progress but after doing 10-15 missions I get bored and have to switch game ( and I end up playing NBA 09 the Inside with no trophies to get lol..). So going to take me a while...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Heh, I don't blame you getting bored of the game after some missions, as the Dynasty Warriors games are very repetitive. Of course, due to my love of the series, I don't tend to get bored of them if I have long play sessions.

Also, you have quite a few unfinished games on your list. Do you not have those games anymore to finish them or you simply don't want to play them anymore?