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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Shaun White Snowboarding - Platinum Trophy Holders

Dark Odin

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Fireburden5 said:
I jus found this guy online who added me on PSN he is level 16!
Almost 2000 trophies this guy has too much time on his hands :P


I know a couple of people level 18




last time i checked KingOfAllGames had 38 platinum but he probably has more by now cuz i checked about 3 weeks ago and he gets about a plat to 2 plats a week.

KylieDog said:
That has to be a shared account played by multiple people to reach that many plats so often.

Otherwise the guy must wake up in the morning and turn on the PS3 until he has to go to sleep again.


Not so sure.

if you check Demon1-13 trophies he is the person I know with the most of them(2705 trophies) and the highest level but he's purposedly stayed away from the most time consuming ones...( lots of Re2 trophies but not the 10k kills, FIFA09 trophies but no plat, no Mercenaries 2 plat, No NBA09 The Inside or Miror Edge plat, the last two are weird.).


It seems to me more like someone with a lot of free time that focus solely on trophies when playing a game ( he plated Wolverine in 2 days...). Heck the dude platted Re5 in 2 days.........


The guy probably plays every game with a trophy game in front of him and optimizes his play time for trophy gathering whereas most people usually play through a game without following any guide and only after start working on trophies ( that's what I do, pretty sure someone like Demon1-13 played Re5 first on veteran and knew where every item to be picked up was and then probably used the roten eggs glitch to get the cash for upgrades...)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

yeah KingOfAllGames has to have many people play for him cuz i kid u not he gets a plat about 3-4 maybe 5 days
He has the plat for Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection AND Sonic's Mega Overdrive (or whatever its called)
He has Auquanauts Holiday which is like a Japanese game and i can't find a translation guide for the trophies so i don't know how he got them but he has the plat for gta (which u gotta play like 10 straight hours to get a trophy online)
There are some games i see that there is no way to get the platinum but somehow this guy gets them and i don't know how

yeah i think he did buy (or rent) the other version of the game just for the trophies
It's not a bad idea but also not technically right if ur in a league or something

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X-Blades is NOT that bad of a game, but it's not that good either. The camera and controls are horrible, but it shouldn't be that hard of a game once you know what you're doing (I hate those damn elementals). It's a hack-n-slash all the way through and the best way to describe it would be a poor man's Devil May Cry.

Yeah I'll be gettin that sometime soon too
Has anybody tried the Hannah Montana game lol
I know a guy who has the platinum for it lol

Damn, last checkpoint in Killzone IS hard to beat on elite. I've spent at least 4 hours /in two sessions/ trying and nothing. I didn't even face rocket troops... Hope to beat it this weekend lol

Arcturus said:
Damn, I forgot to add a post about for Shaun White Snowboarding platinum trophy holders. Fireburden5 was the first to earn this platinum!


 No worries Arcturus, didn't know i was the first to get that plat :D

Thanks for the trophy league by the way, much appreciated :D

I need to get back up in the ranks!


Platinums/100% Completion: Super Stardust HD, Linger In Shadows, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Burnout Paradise, Shaun White Snowboarding, Tomb Raider: Underworld, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator: Salvation, Assassin's Creed II, WipEout HD, Ratchet And Clank: A Crack In Time, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, God Of War, God of War II, God of War III, inFamous.

Working on: GTA IV - 87%, Batman: Arkham Asylum - 80%.


Man. Except for MP, LOTR Conquest has really easy trophies. Now, the MP ones sure are annoying specially since the only time I tried playing took me some time to find a game.

It was all empty except for 1 game that was full.

PS - What a weak game it is too. They were trying to copy Star Wars: Battlefront, but it's like they improved nothing. The graphics suck, there are too little enemy types, the levels are too freaking small. I played it for like 3 hours and I finished the War of The Rings Campaign and got 2 MP trophies through Instant Action.