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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

ok am really bored and there are no games to play :s there are a few games i have in mind just for trophies but they r not worth buying and there is no game rentals where i live...

so any suggestions on what i shud play til infamous? or actually til' virtua tennis, am really excited about this game...

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Got Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 earlier, so I will probably start working on that soon enough. I don't feel like playing any shooters right now, so I'm glad I got Gundam 2 today. I also preordered inFAMOUS, so that will be another game later on this month.


And, for Mercs 2, look for flashing icons on your map to tell you which mission to do next.

Ok, 5 hours... and one trophy in Demon´s Souls hehe. this will take a while and I´ll be out of top 10 in some weeks for sure...

or maybe X-men Origins will help me...

I should play that PSN games... I have a bunch that I never even tried..

yeah MasterVG
I realized that now
I verified Blanco and Carmona no i just gotta do AN and China missions. I'm not gonna be able to plat it cuz i forgot to take off autosave and i was gettin a HVT and i went to tie him up and it turned out he died somehow and when i pressed triangle it took a picture of him and it autosaved so yeah. I'm just gonna get the trophies i can right now and come back to it when i can

Jboy0990 said:
yeah MasterVG
I realized that now
I verified Blanco and Carmona no i just gotta do AN and China missions. I'm not gonna be able to plat it cuz i forgot to take off autosave and i was gettin a HVT and i went to tie him up and it turned out he died somehow and when i pressed triangle it took a picture of him and it autosaved so yeah. I'm just gonna get the trophies i can right now and come back to it when i can

Ugh, a mysterious death has befallen you! It happened to me many times, so don't feel bad (and I'm sure it's happened to Marcio as well).


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yeah i know
Also i swear me and my friend have called over a hundred airstrikes in and no trophy wtf

Nevermind i got it. i also beat the game so All i need to do is verify all HVTs and do one more outpost for China to unlock all landing zones and i'm done and i can start on my next game

Well I've earned 1 bronze trophy so far this week !
Making a little progress in Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 though, finally found a pilot/suit combo that owns...
Still ages away from any gold and even further away from the plat though...

I've been busy too!
Yogg Saron dead on 25 man in WoW !!!!!!!
And Spurs in NBA finals playing against the Celtics !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail, we should definitely trophy boost for the Ace Points ones on DWG2 sometimes, since I've heard it doesn't take too long to actually do it. I've played for around 6-7 hours so far and have two bronze trophies, but I knew it was going to be a long game going into it.

Well i think i can kiss goodbye to the league for while.