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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

^Welcome to the league.

Know this - we are all secretly plotting to kill Ail so he will stop getting all those platinums so quickly.

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Ok marcio thanks i'm about to hop back on it now
I'm done with PLAV and UP i'm about to start on the pirates
And welcome to the league Blood marcio is right we're secretly plotting to strangle Ail cuz he's gettin platinums too fast lol

My friend brought over SFIV yesterday... what a hard ass game. Seth is a bastard even on easy mode...

fadetoone said:
My friend brought over SFIV yesterday... what a hard ass game. Seth is a bastard even on easy mode...


 Seth is one of the most annoying bosses, wait when u face him on Hardest.


I don't know which game to play next. I could try working on the 10k kills trophy for R2, since it's the only one I need for platinum, but I got bored of that game before. There's GTAIV and World at War, too, but I need to work a lot on GTAIV and most of the trophies left for W@W are the stages for Veteran.

There are usually only three major threats on Mercenaries 2; tanks, helicopters and men with RPGs.

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Is it me or is Mercs 2 a lot like gta? lol
i hate when i'm driving to go do a mission and a heli just out of nowhere shoots my car and blows it up

^True. Even heli sometimes takes too long to where you want to go? I suggest you buy a lot of those cheap PLAV transport helis and use them to travel around.

A tip - if you are in zone owned by a friend faction and you need oil. Throw the smoke for your chopper to pick it up and run really fast away from it to a place far where no one of that faction can see you and it won't make them mad at you. It helps to get oil faster.

oh ok
I'm stuck i have nowhereto go i finished PLAV and UP and i assume the Pirates (speaking of they didn't ask to capture another outpost) but after the pirates idk where to go? do i have to do all the side missions to go further?

Talk to Fiona. Or do factions main missions to open more things.

Yeah i talked to her but she didn't introduce no new faction
And I've looked at every faction's outpost and i don't see any new missions
except for those level 1, 2, and 3 stuff