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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Yeah, don't change the wager and keep doing it to rake in the cash. I would believe that a majority of the people who got the Billionaire trophy got it by utilizing the winching challenge glitch. By the time I was finished, I was gaining like $40 million just from doing it over and over.

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Well damn thats pretty sweet
So all the golds can be obtained in 1 play through?
Are all the valued items the things u gotta call a heli to pick up?

I'm pretty convinced at this point that I could play Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 for the next 2 months and still not have the platinum trophy...
But I will not give up !!!!!!!!!

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

haha well good
That'll give me at least 2 months to TRY and catch up

Jboy0990 said:
haha well good
That'll give me at least 2 months to TRY and catch up


 I am spending most of my time in Wow or playing NBA 09 The Inside and I already have the platinum for that anyway...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Yeah i want to plat that but idk if i could handle the stress lol

Jboy0990 said:
Well damn thats pretty sweet
So all the golds can be obtained in 1 play through?
Are all the valued items the things u gotta call a heli to pick up?

If you mean HVT (high value targets) then yes. You have to melee them then restrain them. That will give you an extraction somke. Throw it and the chopper will appear. Carry him to it and load him up. Beware that his own guys will accidentaly kill him (that happens a lot). Sometimes you get near them and they die unexplicably (did I tell you this games has a lot glitches? )

oh wow
what a pain =/. oh well ill try to plat it

It's not a hard game to platinum, but it takes a long time because of all the crap you have to do and because of the glitches. Capturing 55 or so HVTs alive (you get a different ending if you capture them all alive) is troublesome, especially when you get to the later factions that have Fuel-Air RPGs and bigger guns. Some of the side missions are a pain in the ass, plus the 100 spare parts, which makes the unlock all shop items trophy a pain, too.


Also, I should have the platinum for the Ultimate Genesis Collection before the next update. The game is ridiculously easy to get the trophies, although there are a few annoying ones (Columns one was slightly easier than I imagined since you can pause to plan your next move).

Yeah the game does seem long and idk if im that patient
But ill be sure to try
there are a lot of games on my list and i gotta try them all lol