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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I'll be in the top 10 by next update hopefully
I should be gettin some new games here soon to plat lol

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Hopefully, I'll get the rest of the trophies for Mainichi Issho by next week, as well as get a bunch of trophies from Fallout 3. Glad to see I moved up two spots this week, although it was a fairly good week for me considering my lack of trophies last week.

For some reason my Mainichi Issho wont load up

Are KZ2 online trophies hard?

not compared to a lot of games ^ You have to come in the top 1% for the week but that isnt took bad when you compare it to Resistance with 10k kills. You can get all the other trophies in "1 on 1 matches"

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and how do you come in the top 1%?

by constantly playing bodycount. (team deathmatch) It is top 1% of the players that played that week. EG last week i came 1,000 out of 160,000 so everyone that came under 1,600 got 1%

Oh ok and what trophy is that? a gold? or what?

well when you get that trophy you will automatically get
10% bronze
6% bronze
3% silver
1% gold

There is also a gold trophy online for becoming general and this takes a bit of playing but i wuld say i got it in 10hours of playing. There are also combat specific trophies for example get 10 kills in 8 different matches with sniper,melee,pistol etc etc etc. These unlock bonuses for your wepons such as for pistol you get a m4 revolver and sniper you get an improved scope. When you get all of these you will eventually get 4 bronze trophies for them all.

Ugh lol
I'll try it out but im not sure about the online trophies lol