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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

i was thinking of joining this league when i hit 50 posts of course:)
but my ps3 just died & my account is on 5 friends systems
i was a level 8 possibly down the drain

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As long as you still know your email and password you can still keep your trophies.
Just gotta get a new ps3

even though its on 5 other people's systems & im still under warranty so i'll be getting a refurb ps3

Jboy0990 said:
Yeah Sonic's Ult. Genesis Collection was probably the easiest platinum


Well I beat the Bean Machine finally.

Only got Columns and all the Sonic games now.

It's not too hard but I've gotten platinum that were faster to get than this game...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Is the Burnout plat easy to get?

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Jboy0990 said:
Is the Burnout plat easy to get?


Offline stuff is easy but takes a little while.

I have no clue about online. Back when I did it it was a semi pain ( especially as I mixed bike and car challenges and it bugs the trophy so I had to restart) as it was hard to find semi competent players. But I did it when a lot of people were working on the trophies. With smart people you can probably do all the online stuff in 2 hours, as it is it took me like 8 hours+....

These days it's probably a lot harder...

You need an usb camera ( or a playstation eye) for the platinum too...

Timewise I think LOTR : Conquest  was faster to get than Sega Ultimate's Genesis.( I got every trophy but 3 in two days and only had to find someone to help me for the last 3...)

It took me forever for the Bean machine and I already know from a few tries that Columns will be a pain too...

Games like Prince of Persia and Uncharted were a little longer to plat but a lot more enjoyable too ( Aside from Vector Man/Streets of Rage/Golden Axe/Shinobi I can't say I enjoy the others Genesis games that much...)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

What do you need a ps eye for?

Jboy0990 said:
Is the Burnout plat easy to get?

Burnout is one big trophy fest. Seriously some silver trophies are so damn easy it's unbeliveble. There is only one pain in the ass - you need usb cam to get platinum.


What do you need it for though?

i will Kylie