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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

Anyone here see the new Hanna Montana movie yet? I hope I'll be the first one to platinum Hanna Montana the movie the game. I imagine it will be a close race. I bet everyone here loves Hanna Montana and had it pre-order for months!!

hehe i'm totally kidding. I'm not sure what my next platinum will be but I guarantee it won't be a Hanna Montana game. I thought it was going to be Matt Hazard Eat Lead, but I don't really like the game enough to go for Plat and play on the hardest difficulty. The game did get better towards the end and the 2D enemies were pretty cool. It was very easy to get 76% of the trophies, but the hardest difficulty I know would be a pain...

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Actually HideoK i've played a couple levels on Max Hazard and its not much of a difference
I don't even think it compares to Uncharted's crushing
Now idk about the bosses yet though

Jboy0990 said:
i got the DLC for RE5 and its pretty fun


I need to school you in slayers !

I think I'm like 30 wins 10 loss in team slayers ( 144k on prison, had a good teammate and we went on rampage lol)

and 30 wins 15 loss or so in slayers ( pretty hard to win against a wesker guy that focus only on bosses especially when some asshole that didn't understand the game mode spends his time shooting you).


On a side note I broke top 100 on prison mercenaries ! ( but got kicked out of top 500 on PA and Mines...).


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

KylieDog said:
I just used a password to jump to the final level of Mean Bean Machine...

I don't really like that game unless playing 2 player.


I tried the easy level password but it didn't seem to work...

I guess I should try again...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
KylieDog said:
I just used a password to jump to the final level of Mean Bean Machine...

I don't really like that game unless playing 2 player.


I tried the easy level password but it didn't seem to work...

I guess I should try again...

Yeah, I used the password and then hit the PS button so i could view the field after every drop and think out my turn.  After that it boils down to a little luck.

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I got the password to work.
Thanks for the trick fadetoone, because right now I am getting crushed on level 13 lol....
It moves a little too fast for me,

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
I got the password to work.
Thanks for the trick fadetoone, because right now I am getting crushed on level 13 lol....
It moves a little too fast for me,

Another thing I did was get a decent game going, and then saved it.  Then I just reloaded the save and tried different approaches until one worked out.

KylieDog said:
He really isn't hard to beat once you learn how to stack for multipliers.

I was just matching singple colours at a time and getting owned, then I started stacking so that 1 colour vanishing causes another to vanish and he was soon beat.

The 10 uses of magic gold trophy in Golden Axe is much harder, in fact that is possibly the hardest gold trophy in existance.


Err ?

I used twice as much magic in my first game as was needed for the trophy...( it's 6 not 10 I believe by the way).

I actually found out Golden Axe 3 to be a lot easier than the original game.( you don't need to fill the magic thingy to use it).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !


Good one. Honestly its gotta be the easiest gold trophy ever.


Yeah Sonic's Ult. Genesis Collection was probably the easiest platinum