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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

FIFA 09 - Platinum Trophy Holders

Dark Odin

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I'm up one spot :D

doesnt it usually show the platinum trophies that people got for the week (and i honestly dont mention that because i finally got a plat trophy lmao)

hahaha yeah it usually des
What platinum did u get?

haha uncharted, i think everyone that has a ps3 already had it lol. probably the easiest one to get. getting close to a RE5 and will also probably have Eat Lead Matt Hazard by the end of the week if i get the time to play as much as i want

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Well i honestly just got my Uncharted platinum just last Tuesday lol
and i need 3 more Eat Lead trophies

how is East Lead? got it today because i heard it was a quick playthrough with easy trophies. i really like the idea of the game but heard it was pretty average

Draven26 said:
doesnt it usually show the platinum trophies that people got for the week (and i honestly dont mention that because i finally got a plat trophy lmao)

Yep, it does. Let me fix that.


Its pretty cool
Real funny
and it is a real easy trophy game
i got all but 3 trophies my first play thru

yay! I made top 50 finally and busiest members!