Wow the bosses for RE5 on pro are so damn hard!
I'm gonna farm and buy the rpg and just blow them up from there lol
Wow the bosses for RE5 on pro are so damn hard!
I'm gonna farm and buy the rpg and just blow them up from there lol
I was afraid to open Quantuum of Solace but I was wrong.
As much as FEAR 2 felt so bad after Re5 and KZ2, Quantuum of Solace is really not a bad game.
One huge grudge I had with FEAR2 aside from really shitty graphics was having to use health restoring items and having no map/directions pointing you toward the next objective ( stuff that is kinda standard these days). Luckily Quantuum of Solace is more like KZ2 for those things....
Anyway Quantuum of Solace shall be my 15th plat, just gotta work on it ;)
Well i beat RE5 on pro finally..
Now only 4 more guns to upgrade..
and still no trust trophy
The Legends of Wrestlemania game is easy if you know how to play wrestling games. The only hard thing about is is that you have to play 38 matches in a row to get one of the medals. But it was an easy Platinum and only took two days for me to get.
Jboy0990 said: Has anybody seen the Uncharted 2 gameplay? Awesome :) |
Indeed. so early in time and it looks so good.
Ok upgrading complete
But this trust trophy is really pissin me off
I'm gonna start a new game and turn infinite on and have just have me hold te inf. weapons and let her pick up all the herbs/ammo/money i see
10 new trophies for Re5.
Resident Evil 5 platinum!
Wow i found such an easy as way to get the trust trophy lol
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